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Club Med Sant Ambroggio



The Discovery Centre offers a variety of excursions to discover the country.

The program of the excursions and the prices are given for information only. Prices can change during the season according to the current rate of the country. Excursions have to be paid on the premises with local currency. 

The Club Med has drawn up a Responsible Tourismcharter for all the destinations it serves, to guarantee responsible practice towards the environment, both natural and cultural, and ethical participation towards local economic development.

Agriates Desert (1/2D)

A narrow winding road through the mountains takes you to a track that leads through the Agriates Desert to Saleccia Beach, one of the island's finest white sand beaches.

Bastia and Cap Corse (1 day)

You will go through the interior of the island to Bastia to visit the town and have lunch. Then you will be going up along Cap Corse, a mixture of fishing villages and hamlets perched up high (Erbalunga, Santa Severa, Nonza...). You will discover the coastline dotted with Genoese towers. A stop in Patrimonio for a wine tasting. Then you will visit Saint Florent, before crossing the Désert des Agriates with its glorious scenery (rocks, maquis, views overlooking Cap Corse and the coast...) 

Car Vision Fango and Galeria (1/2D)

Guided tour of the city and its citadelle. You'll go via the coast road, past the Pointe de la Revellata, to Notre Dame de la Serra, a 19th century chapel.
You'll continue via Nelson's Rock, before heading back to Sant'Ambroggio.

Car Vision Notre Dame de la Serra (1/2D)

You'll pass by the castle of Prince Pierre, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, then take the road to Argentalla, with its former silver mines, followed by Fango, where you'll stop for a swim.

Corte / La Restonica (1 D.)

Fango / Marsulino (1/2 D)

The Old Villages of Balagne (1/2 day)

Along the wine route, you will discover all the old unspoilt villages of Balagne with their charm of a bygone age. Along the way a visit is planned to an oil mill in Lunghignano. Free time in Ile Rousse. 

The Scandola nature reserve (1/2 day)

During this 3-hour cruise, you will discover a wild and rocky region on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Between Galena and Girolata, the coast shelters the Scandola reserve where fauna and flora are carefully protected. On your return, free time in Calvi. 

Tour of Maquis "Les 5 Merveilles" (1 day)

Discover the Corsican interior via the Scala di Santa Regina, the forest of Aïtone and the Spelunca gorges before reaching Porto for lunch (included). After a short walk in the Calanches de Piana, you will return along the coast, admiring the sumptuous landscapes.

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