Hello boys & girls!!!
First things first:
1- gobar : I would love a pina colada with a touch of mango in it!!

Thanks !! and I am sure it's gonna be divine!!
2- jerryboy : Do you have a brother???? If he is anything like you ( at least with the same sense of humour, logic, an that little touch of sarcasm) a think I would like to meet him
3- Geri a.k.a. (oups!!!! my bad! I forgot your nickname): you are very lucky ( I know that luck as nothing to do with it, but mostly hard work, trust, respect, honnesty and communication, just to name of few) to have such a great relationship with your husband. Bravo!!
4- Soldier of fun: Thanks! it as been a while since I heard "nice shoes!"
5- Pretty much everyone made a valid point (of course, from their point of view!!!

6- I AM an XGO. I was also an IGO (Intergration GO ¨ Experience GO who is chosen, trained and compelled to help new GO get settled in CM life (work - attitude - responsabiliiers - and so on)).I was trained to teach the new Go's that would fall under my jurisdiction a lot of the what and what's not in CM in general, but to keep with the subject at hand (sex).......... that even dough CM looks like a Sex Paradise, there were some guidelines to be followed sush as:
a- it is
not part of your job description to "sleep" with anybody.
b- if you choose to do so, use:- your head - good judgement - condoms or any means of protection for STD (to prevent mostly giving or receiving STD). Because of the GO's schedule, it might be hard for them to go to the nearest town to buy protection, CM, being aware of what the world is today, puts condoms available pretty much everywhere in the village to GO to have acces to, if they choose to be active sexualy.
c- that NO means NO in every language. (That it did not matter that the person was throwing themself at you, putting their tongue in your ear, wispering sweet durty little things, explaining in grafic details "how they would do you". That they did agree to get to your room, and once in there, they rip your clothes off of you, telling you how much they want you. IF just before you get into "action" (because at this point, you are pretty much convince that you are gonna have concentual sex) they change their mind and they say NO. Then stop everything, put your pants back on, DON't try to change their mind, and get out of there!!! It's your room?? Don't matter, get out! Run to nearest source of cold water, and cool off. Report the incident.
d- Any misconduct have their consequences, and they will be dealt with accordingly, but for most of them ¨ as Donald Trumps said it "you're fired!". And if by your misconducts, you have broken a law of the country you are in, you will have to face the music. And you will also have to face the possibility that the person who is accusing you, might sue you personnaly as well. So honnestly, MOST people think about it a little!
7- I am also a human being with human qualities and flaws.
8- the followings are not judments but my OPINIONS!

9- I will be "speaking "as a woman. For the guys out there, replace the "he" for " she" ... I know you get my point!!

To the subject at hand now:
- Anywhere, anyhow, you will always bump into a moron that do not know their head from their ass, and that will think with "Mr. Head" and not their head. (s'cuse my french!!). Morons that will not give a damn, that you are 80 years old, married with childrens, 9 months pregnant and about to give birth, in a drunk stupor, that your husband is standing right next to you, that you said no in all the language in the world ( someone said to me that "F*** off" was pretty much international

), They just want to get laid!!!
- They come in all shape or form, that they are GO, GM, doctors, lawyers or even priests! Beware!!! They don't always look or sound like morons, sometime it takes a little while before they show their "moroness".
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