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Have you slept with a G.O?

3 Posts
Please all women read "JANE" magazine - October issue that disrespects GM's that have slept with GO's - it's disgusting what they say. If they were real MEN they wouldn't open their mouth. They claim they sleep with most women because they would want to come back and that gives Club Med Sales. Most of it said by MIKE D (DJ) and Matt (SUBA) of Turks! So watch out Ladies.
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48 Posts

Very interesting.. thanks for the info. Nothing Like a summer romance.. but honestly to tell the world about it. Won't they be popular! Do you have a nationality or last names of these guys?
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784 Posts
I can't wait to read the article. To see how acurately it is all portrayed. I looked for the magazine but its not on most of the newsstands yet.
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19 Posts
Guys ,..they don't know what they want. They go to Club Med 'cause they can't find any girls in the real world and from what they heard (even in an interview, i swear!) they gonna get laid in CM.Then they go there , get bored of getting laid, disrespect womens in a magazine,describe US like hunters....They left as hunters to go to Club Med!!!!No one force u guys to stay there....
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784 Posts
ok, I finally read the article. Its not as bad as some people make it out to be. They are only giving one side of things, like most articles. Sure a lot of GO's sleep with a lot of woman and yes they make light of it. And yes a lot of woman go down looking to get laid, hey why not. A lot of the GO's are great looking. It doesnt mean that every GO and every GM gets laid every week. Some people definately go overboard and a lot of GM gets brazen but who doesnt after drinking and dancing all night. And in reply to JK comment of saying her has to pee and disapearing, I have done the same. thing.
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19 Posts
I am not naive, i do acknowledge that some girl must go there to get laid...some guys too. all i am saying is not the majority of the girls go there with the goal of sleeping with GO. Some GO are grinding a lot when you resist them And the more you resist, the harder they come after you. Yes some GO are good looking, spending their time getting tan.Everyone looks good with a tan...In canada, we have a lot of tan arms connected to white torsos :)
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585 Posts
ohhhhhhh would you please stop your damn crying. did the article mention your name, or did you want it to?? take it in stride, we all get dumped on at some point in time and if you think that this is the first time a man ever did this to you,,,,GROW UP, WAKE UP and SHUT UP. 70% of all the people that go to club med know what the deal is. it's a 7 day vacation, what did you expect, a lifelong commitment? it's been that way for 52 years now. and at turks there is nothing to do there except compare notes at the end of the week. (like that doesn't happen on the ride back to JFK) if you want to bitch at somebody, bitch at the bitch that wrote the article or maybe the bitch that is the bitches editor. or much better yet call the main office in miami (800-CLU-BMED) they got alot of bitches down there, and tell them that you are mortally offended by the way you were treated like a bitch by the staff and you are personally going to start your own bitchin capaign against club med's degrading treatment of female guests. in other words ladies, if you got a problem, go fix it. complaining about it will only make you sick inside and loose you a few friends. all my love to nancy t., barbra j., stacy g., joan n., carol j., debbie t ., debbie r., debbie o., debbie s.,debbie v., lydia l., donna d., dana k., ilene w., latoya d., kim g., cyndi g., cynthia h., alice e., evelyn m., franny t., georgina s., kathy d and kathy f., and all the other wonderful women who were kind enough, loving enough and most of all passionate enough to share themselves with me at turkoise during the month that i was employed for the club. thank you.........aa
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527 Posts
Bah-ha-ha-ha!!! You crack me up abdellabdella!!!

I agree, it's not the GO's we should be mad at, it's the bitch who wrote the article! After all, we women (and the men I became friends with) gossip about the "hook-ups" that happen. It's not like we don't know it happens, it isn't that we don't believe that it's talked about, but to put it in a magazine is crazy! And that article was completely one sided. I personally did write to the author, Claudine Ko, and to 8 or 9 of the senior and managing editors of the magazine to voice my complaint.

But thanks for that laugh!

When where you a GO at turks?

- Lisa (a.k.a. FlyGirl)
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19 Posts
I have not been dumped by a GO.... I still live with him after 2 years commitment But thanks for the tip! I thought this was a forum to say your opinion, not to tell others to shut up...I am so sorry I got u so upset over nothing....
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585 Posts
Originally posted by surfergen

I have not been dumped by a GO.... I still live with him after 2 years commitment But thanks for the tip! I thought this was a forum to say your opinion, not to tell others to shut up...I am so sorry I got u so upset over nothing....

i was not telling u specifically to shut up, but everyone in general. sorry u can't take a joke and laugh a little.
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585 Posts
hey flygirl, i was employed at turks from april 10th, 1999 to about the middle of may when they fired me for calling the new york times to see if i could get them to print a list of the names and addresses of all the women that i slept with. the times said i would have to buy a full page ad. i could not afford that much. i was sad.....aa
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1652 Posts
I am guessing most of you are former GOs. I apologize if I am wrong. I have always called them the "one week meaningful relationships". I have only hooked up with one female GO, and we had a good time. But the female GOs seem less likely to hook up with guys then GO guys with GM girls. I didnt go down to the Club expecting anything to happen. That one time it just did. Just to let things happen naturally is why I enjoyed it. I did not go down saying "I will meet a female GO"
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527 Posts
Originally posted by abdellabdella

they fired me for calling the new york times to see if i could get them to print a list of the names and addresses of all the women that i slept with.

Well, first of all, MAN am I glad I never met you!! I mean, I'd hate to think that a guy I felt I connected with was that nasty as to do something like that.

Secondly, I honestly don't understand why would you want to do that? I mean, that's just so wrong!! I didn't think it was that nice of you to put all those women's names on here, but at least it was just first names and the first initial only of their last names. Do you really have absolutely no respect whatsoever for these women?? Because these actions would say that you don't. You must be a very sad, angry person if you would even consider doing this. I would hope you'd go for counseling so you can work through your issues.

- Lisa (a.k.a. FlyGirl)
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585 Posts
uh flygirl........i was being sarcastic.....lighten up. i got the boot from the club for trying to change some of the unsafe practices they had for the staff. we had three fatalities in scuba in a three month period. one of which was a friend of mine, a fellow GO. myself and several others on the team opened our mouths and now now of us can work for the club again. i have heard that the rules got changed on paper but in real time it's still the SOS...
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20 Posts
Abdellabdella, for the record, I had a good laugh about this discussion. Thank you for brightening up my day...
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527 Posts
Originally posted by abdellabdella

i was being sarcastic.....lighten up.

You would think that by now, with several people obviously mis-reading what you wrote, that you would get the clue that sarcasm doesn't come across very well online. Especially when you don't insert those annoying emoticons.

Now, from what you said about the scuba, that's really scary! I mean, speaking from a legal standpoint, you would think that Club Med would know better. If someone's family sues them for wrongful death, and the family's attorney does some background checks, this will come out! Things can happen that are accidents, yes. But as a worldwide corporation, you'd hope they would learn from those accidents and correct the situation. And that means more than just ON PAPER.

Guess it's lucky for me that I have inner ear trouble and can't scuba-dive. ;-) (see, that's the emoticon I was talking about to show "just kidding") ;-P (that is a "jesting" sticking my tongue out at you.)

- Lisa (a.k.a. FlyGirl)
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20 Posts
Flygirl, I hope you are not including me in the several people mis-reading. As far as I'm concerned, the sarcasm came across very well.
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527 Posts
No, I'm not including you. There were other people who didn't necessarily see his posts as sarcasm. You definitely made it clear that you did.

Personally, I'm the type of person who likes to take people at their word, rather than "reading sarcasm" in everything. I don't think I'd like it if I always were to assume that people were being sarcastic. Sarcasm can be funny (in moderation), but when overused, it gets VERY old, played out and VERY annoying.

- Lisa (a.k.a. FlyGirl)
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585 Posts
yvette.....glad you had a few laughs. maybe i give you more in the future if i have time to keep coming to this site.

flygirl......pardon a moi.....i feel so sad that i make you upset because of my ignorance of computer. i am not used to all this online chat. normally when i am on computer it is in dark, lonely room and i am not connected to internet, just the chair by big iron chain:)
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585 Posts
Ok, so let’s put all the sarcasm and BS on the side. First of all the GO’s interviewed in the article should have been gentlemen but they weren’t. They should have kept their mouths shut, but they didn’t. I don’t know them but I can describe them to a tee. Young, tan, fairly well built and full of themselves. Fear not, this will all change as soon as they enter back into the real world and become just regular guys again. They will not have their nametags or uniform shirts or any special advantages when it comes to attracting the ladies. They will not be the superstars of the village anymore. (club med actually told us to think like this when I started working there). The woman that wrote the article was there to dig up the dirt because as we all know, dirt sells big time in our society. A cute little article about the club would have only been taking up space on the paper. Second, did someone a few days ago say the GO’s have cake jobs? Ok so lets look at the cake job I had. Up at 7:00am and I pretty much kept working till about 1:00am. So take out sometime for lunch and dinner and showers and such and you still have a 16 hour day, 6 days a week. If this is your idea of cake you can count on the fact I will decline any invitations to your house for dinner. And last but not least, my sex life as a GO. No I will not mention names (for those of you who couldn’t figure it out in my earlier post, I did not sleep with 24 women in 30 days). All earlier names mentioned were fictitious. IF I had applied myself (and wanted to have sex just for the sake of having sex) I am sure that I could have had at least 3-4 girlfriends a month. I know this sounds like BS but until you actually work there and see for yourself what goes on you won’t believe it. Keep in mind on any given week the female/male guest ratio is 60/40 and this is the average, some weeks it was way up there at 75/25. Who kept track of this and why, I have no idea. But somebody always knew the ratios on arrival days, especially the charter from JFK. A few of my co-workers bragged about “bagging” 2 or 3 women a week, but if you spend any time at all inside club med you realize that 40% of all you hear on the inside is pure bull and the rest of it is inflated ego. This goes for what management tells you too. You learn not to trust most of what you hear about anything. As it was at the end of the day, the only thing that I really wanted was a soft bed and a little peace and quiet. I had 2 long term (long term at cm means more than a week) relationships while I was there. One that still exists today with a co-worker and one for 3 months with a guest that refused to go home. Don’t ask. The rest of the ladies that I entertained ALL approached me. Don’t ask me why, I consider myself to nice looking, but on the average side. In fact it was the easiest time I’ve ever had with women my entire life. No stupid pick up lines, no awkward small talk. I can’t fully explain it but it was a quick bonding while I was working followed by a few jokes and some sarcasm and boom, I’d be kissing someone goodbye the next morning as I ran off to work. How very domestic. also a real ego inflator. So what the hell am I trying to say here??? Oh yeah, ladies: if you go and you’re looking to “get some”, fine, who cares. It’s your life so enjoy it while you can. If you go and you’re not looking, fine again. I sure most of you know how not to have sex. But let’s face facts, everybody talks, just in different ways. Women gossip to each other in quiet tones and in a feminine fashion. But men prefer to beat their chests and brag out loud like real men are supposed to. In either event this is what a lot of us learned growing up from parents and relatives and our friends. Old habits are hard to break. (Have you ever looked in the mirror and saw one of your parents staring back at you? Scary ain’t it?) But no matter who or where you are or who you sleep with, it’s going to be talked about no matter what, and with
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93 Posts
Hi, that was a really good piece of moral learning. Personally I have to say that how you've written now, abdellabdella, I preferred much more than before 'cause before I also didn't found the sarcasm in the texts but I'm really calmed that it was just sarcasm (I hope that this is true in fact :)) ).
And you showed the people here a piece of reality and "how it is going on" and that I find is really great :)
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590 Posts
abedllabdella, I only want to say one thing: you read my mind!
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590 Posts
abedllabdella, I only want to say one thing: you read my mind!
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5 Posts
OK, I see no-one has posted on this topic for sometime, and thought I would leave my thoughts, having worked as a GO in two resorts, one a family resort and the other an adult resort.

In the family resort as most of the clientele were young families, there were less opportunities for GOs than the average place, so there was lots of bed-hopping between GOs. I remember being a little shocked by it at first, particularly in the first week when a female GO was hitting on me. I was interested in first, until I got chased by her psychopathic GO 'boyfriend' who was my next door neighbour, and wanted to know why I was messing around with his 'girlfriend', who I found out had slept with yet another GO in the first 3 or 4 nights. After that I steered clear of getting involved with another GO - far too much flirting, sexual tension, cheating and jealousy amongst all the GOs for my liking. A large number of the female GOs were different to the one I described above though, and liked the security of getting involved in a relationship early on.

When I worked in the adult resort, some GOs were having contests to see how many GMs they could sleep with during the season. I really didn't want to get into that so kept things to myself when I got involved with GMs, much to the surprise of the other GOs. I think some of the guys enjoyed the boasting about the women they'd slept with more than the sex itself. I found that the guys sleeping with the most GMs were often insecure and unhappy, but I guess that is often the case for people who have lots of one night stands. Call me old fashioned, but I found if I slept with a woman and I liked her I wanted to spend more time with her, and not move onto the next one. I did have a few flings that summer, but I did get very attached to one GM and we saw each other afterwards.

Anyway, there were 2 main things that annoyed me with the GOs attitude towards women. The first was the dishonesty. Having a one week fling is fine as long as you don't pretend its something else. Too many GOs had flings, and then told lies to the woman about how much they loved her, etc, and how they wanted a relationship when they got home, when in reality they were moving onto the next guest. I felt sorry for the younger naive women who fell for this. The second thing that got to me was 1 or 2 of the guys were so sleazy their behaviour bordered on sexual harrassment, refusing to take no for an answer. One GM in particular complained to me, as one GOs behaviour was ruining her holiday - she felt like he was stalking her.

OK - I guess theres been a bit too much cynicism in here, so I'll tell you that in my time as a GO I do remember several cases where a GO (normally a guy) fell in love with a GM, and ended up quitting their job so they could see each other.

So all you ladies, it is possible to find true love after all at Club Med, even if you're far more likely to just get a one night stand.
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5 Posts
Bad soap opera? Maybe, that would explain the level of acting in the shows...But all the way through my time at Club med I thought it was more like Big Brother than anything else!

I really enjoyed my time as a GO, but I'm glad I escaped Club Med before it changed me!

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590 Posts
Club Med is just a smaller version of the real world.
Even in real life, it's hard to find true love.
One night stand happen everywhere.
It's just more likely to happen in a holiday-environment where people come for a short time to have a good time and let loose.
If you bear that in mind before going on a holiday, it's much easier to deal with.
And who knows, someday someone might come along who melts down your ice-queen attitude... (believe me, I know)
But don't let it get to you if it doesn't happen.
True love exists. Somewhere. Anywhere.
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590 Posts
And I still haven't read the article you people are talking about....
Could anyone mail it to me?
I'm curious!!!!
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22 Posts
I just wanna congratulate ABDELLAABDELLA for his incredibly accurate portrail or CM. Having worked in Punta Cana, Cancun, and Columbus Isle (Bahamas), I can attest that EVERY word he said is 100% true! Although I had the most incredible times of my life working for Club Med, I've now been home for about 8 months, and I'm just loving being back. I'll NEVER forget my CM experiences, but the only time you'll ever see me back there is wearing a G.M bracelet, and not worring about finnishing dinner in time for Crazy Signs.

p.s. abdellabdella, I know how you feel.....we lost a good friend at Columbus (SCUBA) heart goes out to their families and friends....
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18 Posts
I don't understand what the big deal is... There were gorgeous people in Turkiose when I was there, and I was definitely attracted to a few. I didn't go there looking for anything like that, it was just there. Sex is just not fuss in my life... It's not something that I let cause problems either. I've been in few relationships and have never really been the type for one night stands. If someone is going to work at Club Med or take a vacation to Turks with sex and only sex on their mind than I would only hope that they have a strong heart to feel the pain of the ones they hurt and unrequited love Just have a good time...relax.... the water is beautiful and so are friendships... drama is not something i would look forward to. If you do happen to find someone, it will work if both of you want it to work. If it doesn't work, no worries.... move on... there are so many people alive today and there's someone for everyone out there.... Good luck and stay strong
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181 Posts
Hey i have yet to read the article as well, can someone drop it into my mailbox as well? Kudos to u invisibleman for stating your point that not all GOs are crap. I just returned from a CM trip and had one of the best vacations ever. I couldn't believe my "popularity"amongst the GOs. I had invitations to their bed and since i had my eyes set on one of them, i said yes. The last 2 nites at CM were spent in his bed and he was such an affectionate person. He made me feel so comfortable and there was no promise of love or anything which was perfectly fine with me as he was being truthful, not leading me on.

Maybe i'll meet him someday at other villages, since he mentioned he will only do one season there.

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590 Posts
so far no-one's mailed it to me....
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3 Posts
2004 have a great sense of it!!
By any chance do you know Scott, Simon or J.P.(Scuba St. Lucia-96?)

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7 Posts
These kind of comments are made by very nieve women. I'm sorry but I was a GO in Club Med on and off for 5 years and I've seen a lot of GM'S fall in love with GO'S and think that they are the one and only in their lives. Remember thses GO'S live in Club Med at the time they are working and this is their home . Do you expect them to stay single and be alone while the GM'S return home. Club Med is a fantasy word( A beautiful one at that) and anyone that goes there looking for the love of their life is foolish. Keep in mind that you are there to have a vocation romance or just a wonderful vocation. Don't blame the GO'S if you fall in love with them...they are only human.
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7 Posts
Please don't be offended by my last message but the women and men in ClubMed act the same as people in the real world. Some sleep around and some don't . What ever you choose to do ..remember to be safe because you never know what that person has been doing. Through out 5 years I have seen and heard a lot of stories....
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27 Posts
Hello everyone,

wow! all said well...i think club med people are just as each of us who go there and visit. Just as you can find good and bad apples everywhere ....same with people...this is what makes the world such an interesting place...otherwise it would be boring wouldn't it?People talk either you are in CM world or live in the real world...but these are choices each one of us makes..and we have to live with it ...
what I am trying to say is life the way you want it... just make sure that the choices you make are the right ones for you and don't worry about people talking - they will do it why worry?

As for finding real love .... it can happen at Club Med ( a good friend of mine met her husband in Club Med ) but again ... you don't have to be at Club can happen just about anywhere ...and ususally when you least expect it!!!! All is possible...I know that much and I know it very well....:)))
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7 Posts
Yes, you can find love any where if it's meant to be it will find you...Even in Club Med. I actually married another GO my self. Just remember that relationships can be a little more intense in the Club because of the very seductive and romantic life style of the resorts. So have an open mind if love is what you are hoping for!!

Have fun with your partner don't let jealousy take over.....
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590 Posts
still...noone's mailed me this bloody article we're all talking about....
I'm too curious for my own good!!!
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24 Posts
hi guys! i'm a new member to this forum who just came back from bintan club med yest nite which was my 1st trip to club med...its a company trip with my colleagues which we wanted to go cherating in da 1st place but no more rooms so ended in bintan..had a blast there as all the GOs are really nice and friendly such as Rotto which i read from most of the i was browsing through all the forums, i saw this forum which made me registered to this site so i can voice out some of my opinions..i did get my quite an amount of offers from some GOs during my merely 2 nites stay there which i've rejected gently..however during my last nite i nearly gave in to one of a particular GO that i'd clicked with as the tension between the 2 of us was really hot..maybe it was bcos i had too much wine as well..but anyway rejected in the end and the GO did not pursue anymore further and let me go like a i think to sleep with a GO is a free will action, we are all adults so the choice is up to you whether to accept it or to reject it..anyways, i guess i'll be returnin to club med once i get any chance..
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641 Posts
i must say that first timers to club med are highly susceptible to all the gorgeous looking G.Os and often end up going home in tears and major withdrawal because they are thinking "hm, a week ago today, i had drinks with so and so, danced and flirted all night and....". then you miss them so much so you try your best to find out how to see them / talk to them again. but after more trips and more flirting with the G.Os, you realise that it's all the same after a while and learn to take it all in good stride. then you just leave feeling content and happy instead of mulling over how sad that your vacation is over!!
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24 Posts
hi lionness, i'm still having the feelings u mentioned in your posting..guess tis is what normally would happened to first-timers..anyway, i think holiday flings are hard to my actual life, it never cross my mind before to have a sexual encounter with some guy i just know for 1-2 days..i'm still trying to get over the mulling but it seems like the mulling is more to regret for not pursuing it anymore further..
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641 Posts
don't be so down in the dumps kiko, i went to bintan with a girl who went crazy over someone, and a year later saw that same GO in cherating and he didn't even remember her! so don't have any regrets, not worth it. just have fun while you are there lah!
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24 Posts
reality check people. reality check. heh
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1356 Posts
Kiko--Lioness, as usual, has shown great wisdom and has given you some great advice. If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happens to guys who go to Club Med, but to a much lesser extent. The best feeling is when you go back to a Club Med and a GO, who you haven't seen in years, comes up to you and says that it is good to see you again. That just happened to me last month, when a GO, who was my archery instructor six years ago, recognized me and came up to me in the bar and said hello. That's what Club Med is really about.
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4 Posts
Hey all... I'm using my older sister's account on this site because I haven't signed up yet. All I have to say is that I am a 22 year old college girl who has PROUDLY SLEPT WITH A GO! I met a wonderful GO who was about the same age as myself and we hit it off immediately and didn't end up hooking up until the second time I saw him a few months later when I returned to the club! There was no pressure and he was absolutely great about it! So all I have to say is... have fun, be safe and be crazy as long as you are proud and happy with the decisions you make on your vacations! LIVE IT UP!!
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California Girl
43 Posts
Does anyone go to club med and not get laid? Seriously, i had no idea! I was a naive beginner until just recently, so this whole world is new to me. Is it that way at the family villages too or just the adults ones? Just curious......
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641 Posts
Yes, many don't, but as long as you want to, it's not that difficult. If you are of legal age and somewhat available, they'll make a bee line for you. They really know how to spot the naive newbees quite well! ;p
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California Girl
43 Posts
Ok here's my next question. How about the male GM's? Do they get as much action with the female GO's? do they hook up with other GM's? Or are the just outta luck because all the female GM's are hooking up with the male GO's?
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24 Posts
lioness, thanks for the advise..anyway i would like to know is there any rules or regulations that the GO must adhere in Club Med for their relationship with the GM? maybe they have a border line or something that they must not cross?
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590 Posts
the only rule is: no minors. under 18: BIG nono, though it still happens.

male GMs: there are quite some female sharks about, among GO and GM.
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24 Posts
but i think most of them are not that persistant rite bcos those GOs that approached me let me go gently after i rejected their offer..and one of them is really a gentleman as he even escorted my back to my room after i said no..
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19 Posts
Was at phuket n one of the sharks there told me that asian girls are more highly sought after coz not many of those come by? ~shrug~ i thought it true at that time coz even the portrait painter was trying to pick me up. But i'm kinda thinking it's not the case
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1356 Posts
Male GM's and Female GO's? Yes, it happens, but from talking to female GO's that were just friends, it happens a lot less. There may be a double standard working here, or it may just be a reflection of society in general.
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110 Posts
oh yes.... that portrait guy... i remember him... hahaha... but he's married with kids. i know... the way he looks at you rite? creepy... he stared at me as if he was drawing my portrait and he talked to me quite a bit too.

Originally posted by dawne

Was at phuket n one of the sharks there told me that asian girls are more highly sought after coz not many of those come by? ~shrug~ i thought it true at that time coz even the portrait painter was trying to pick me up. But i'm kinda thinking it's not the case

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24 Posts
I don't think it's fair to label them as sharks. That will only make the GMs, which is US look like the victim, by default. Each of us has the power of choice. If u can't live with it, get out of the oven. Don't discount yourself here. You chose the destination. so just soak in the experience. An open mind and a lil bit of sanity could help a bit. Just don't wear your heart on the sleeves.

I mean well u know :P
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585 Posts
sharks, sharks, sharks......yeah i guess most all of us male GO's were guilty of a little "shallow" water hunting around the bar at night. hell it was easy enough and did we have some totally fantastic female GM's to choose from. on any given week the bevy of beauties was incredible. being in a situation like this it was pretty hard to keep it from going to your "head". along with the fact that management kept telling us that we were "superstars" and "heros" and other assorted crap like that to keep us on the "ball" for the job. it was one of the unwritten perks of the job that convinced me to go to work there in the first place. but not every guy i worked with was a hound, in fact there were alot of times i remember when most of us were just too damn tired to do much of anything. but there were always the few who had to maintain their rep so they were out pushing the limits every night. funny thing is that anytime i pushed the limits i came home dry. maybe my rap is too worn out. who knows and who cares cause i got enough to keep me happy and it was always initiated by the female GM. so i guess what i'm getting around to is the fact that some male GO's are sharks and then you seem to have equal numbers of female GM's who should maybe be referred to as the baracudas. yes, quite, i think that works nicely..............aa..........Hey minieva, i tried to find that article cause i wanted to read it too. i even emailed the idiot that wrote it and her editor but never got back a response. i guess they got tired of my ex-go rap...... :)
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well, that makes two of us.... I guess I'll never get to read it... unless someone would be so kind as to scan it and mail it to me? (HINT HINT)
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24 Posts
hey hey people,

I do have it but it 'll be a blurry thing once scan. it's not an original copy. i xeroxed it. hehe..

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24 Posts
can i get a copy too, shooperfudge?
: )
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i heard a lot about that article from the GO's when i was in Turks...i'd love to read what all the hype is about..if someone can email it to me too i'd appreciate it..thanks : - )

(email address : [email protected])
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27 Posts
Shooperfudge, could you send me a copy too please?
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i forgot to post my e-mail add..its [email protected] if u r free to mail it to us, thank u..
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33 Posts
I've been reading this posting and I feel that one thing is missing . Gm's experiences with go's is probably what we read the most here , but what about the feeling of the " third wheel " is any of these love affairs ??

Boyfriends , fiancees , husbands....
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Excellent question rob....I'd like to know the answer to that one!

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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3rd wheel stories! One story is that of a GM (the boyfriend) kicking up a major fuss at reception and demanding to know the room number of certain GOs so that he could hunt down his girlfriend (GM also) whom he had suspected she had "gone for a walk" with. Thankfully, they don't give out GO room numbers at reception.

A variation of the 3rd wheel story is the wheel of fortune one (ie the ever-turning wheel of fortune). I've heard the one of a GO waving bye-bye to a GM "girlfriend" at departure, and within the same afternoon saying "hello" to another GM "girlfriend" at arrival.

Umm ... does Club Med make anyone else feel the slightest bit jaded and cynical?

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I still say that anyone who thinks they GO they hooked up with at CM will turn into any type of "real"relationship, is nuts. Yes, i know there are exceptions but I guarentee the average is less than 10%.
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OK, now my curiousity extends to the GM who goes to CM without the boyfriend, fiancee, husband (girlfriend trip) and while there hooks up with a GO who has complete knowledge of the one left at home...stories please....

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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mau... i dun tink it's really true that they dun give the GOs room number.

i called CM once and asked the recep to connect me to this GO and the recep actually wanted to give me the GO's room number instead and asked me to call directly. he did this thinking i'm staying at the resort. so i guess the GOs aren't very safe in this case. hmmz...

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Geri, I'm not one to hand out sermons, but we have a "prick of conscience" saying among my friends. It goes along the line that someone who goes to CM alone leaving a significant other behind may well find that the only prick one gets is a prick of conscience. Haha!

Tamz - hey good investigative work! Now everyone will forward you a list of GOs for you to find out their room numbers! :-)


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Alright , so I believe that mini eva said here that the big no-no @ CM was that GO could not touch anyone below 18 but is there any moral rules within CM about the issue of the " third wheel " ? I am sure that there must be a lot of stories which adresses this issue....
If it happens and turns ugly , can a GO get in trouble ??
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I don't think a GO can get into trouble... after all there are always 2 people in a relationship (wether only sexual or emotional as well) and you can't only blame the GO. once you're older than 18 you're supposed to be aware of the consequences of your acts and be able to cope with them.

from my stories, it might seem I have no moral inhibitions when it comes to "dating" someone who already has a girlfriend. but I have to say that I'm only doing it because I reaaaaaaaaaaallllllly like this guy and because I know we'd be together if it wasn't for the long-distance thingy.
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Maukitten, I think a lot of people on a trip with friends leaving behind a significant other tend to leave their concience behind and live by the motto..."What happens in (name your city), stays in (name your city)!"; and under the influence of lots of alcohol and beautiful surroundings and people it is easy to forget that that should only mean eat, drink and be merry! Follow that to its logical conclusion and it leads to third-wheel stories!

Rob, while I don't think a GO can get in trouble for being part of a third wheel, if the husband/boyfriend complains of unprofessional conduct to CM corporate, a payoff will be had! I was involved in such a situation...almost. A GO made a pass at me (unsolicited and unreciprocated), and though it wasn't really a big deal, I mentioned it to my husband later and he through a fit. He wrote a scathing letter to corporate headquaters and though to my knowledge nothing happened to the GO, we received a $500 certificate towards our next CM vacation! Not bad for what was really a very minor incident! I totally blew him off and wound up having a great night despite the pass by a jerk! Truth is I hope nothing happened to the GO, and I asked my husband to drop it, but he was completely pissed off, and there was no way he was going to let go of it.

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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I understand a bit better now how it works . GOs knows that even if they are aware of the situation of a GM , they can still make a pass and if it works , then good and well for them .
If they get caught , worst case is the management may compensate in some ways .
It's like a pre-divorce settlement !! lol
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Geri, I am new to the forum and this topic is definitely an eyecatcher. My question is this: Where was your now pissed off husband? What was he doing leaving you alone in "shark" infested waters? Was he on the other side of the bar hitting on hot GO's or back in your room sleeping off the margaritas? Or did you leave him at home? Was he pissed at you or Club Med?
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i think it's not so much that a husband leaves his wife alone as the fact that some sharks are indeed very fierce. i don't think it's fair for you to suggest that the husband must have been flirting with some other female GOs! honestly, i think your message was a little too unnecessarily provocative!!??
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I don't mind begging for the copy of the article, but I've been doing it for some time now and so far: no result...
so I'll try again (not in a PM this time):
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssse, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee send it to me!

Better? :)
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and lioness, I totally agree!
usaboy72, where the husband was at that moment is totally irrelevant. he could've been to the bathroom, for what I care... I don't think being married means not leaving your partner alone for a second. it's marriage for god's sake, not jail!!!
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well , trust is all it matters in a marriage , I believe. The husband could be right in front of the GO when the GO starts to make a pass @ his wife . It's a scary thought...Go's dont need to hide because like it was said earlier on this forum , nothing will happen to them .
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Whoa! I didn't mean to comment on marriage or jail!! Sarcasm really doesn't play well online. MiniEva's comment on the bathroom was on target, though. Are the sharks so fast that all this happened WHEN he went to the bathroom? Or was she on a trip without him and giving off ..."What happens in (name your city), stays in (name your city)!" vibes?

I just got engaged and am looking at honeymoons. CM sounds great on the surface, but I don't want to go to a resort where some of the staff are paid gigalo's waiting for a tipsy wife to make a mistake while the husband is out of sight. Yes, it is our responsibility to make the right choices, but we want to be able to relax, have a drink and trust the staff not to try and take advantage.
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well, once in club med I was looking for my boyfriend at the time (a GO, but that doesn't really matter)... an other GO told he knew where he was and came with me to show me... he went to the toilets... and just pushed me in and stuck his tongue in my mouth... that just shows how some will take just any opportunity! had to give him "the knee" to get out!
but again.... this isn't true for all GOs! not even for the majority! there are always a few rotten apples I guess....
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And what an eye for romance that casanova had! On the whole resort, the best he could find was a toilet?

Does CM know this stuff is going on?
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I know a couple whom went to CM recently for their honeymoon . It was their first time and they totally enjoyed it . Since both of them are really into sports , they choose the CM which suited their needs and they are ready to go back .
If you are not sure of your fiancee , then it may not be the right place to take her , however , if you are , you may enjoy the fact that those " desperate " GO will never get your love one .
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590 Posts
there you go!!! you're soooooooo right rob!
it's nice to see people envy you and to know you're going home with the woman/man they want :)

about the toilet thing:
I didn't tell anyone (was there on my own) but the next year he tried to get me to go with him again... guess he didn't recognise me, but I sure did :)
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Thanks for the reminder Rob & MiniEva. If I had real doubts my fiance would be screwing the staff I wouldn't be planning this in the first place. What has me wondering is the setting. I mean, we would never go out partying and drinking without some friends along, even if we weren't together.

But at CM, it sounds like that is totally the scene. Beach parties and drinking games but with total strangers. If the staff and the sharks are the same people, how can you let down your guard enough to relax? I mean, nobody makes the right decision all the time so getting drunk with a crowd of hot and horny GOs sounds like a bad plan unless you have a buddy watching your back.

It sounds like the only way to be safe is to treat it like any other party/bar scene: if you are gonna get loaded, bring a friend or you may be chewing your arm off in the morning in the staff dorms. In college that was not the end of the world, but none of the chicks in my dorm were married, either.

It sounds like geriakabrianezra2's husband is a pretty jealous type, but at least he got even by writing a letter. I know lots of guys who would have gotten even with their fists or a knife or even a gun. Has that ever happened at CM?
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590 Posts
you know some weird guys then!!!
noone I know would get out a knife or a gun.
fists is already a bit over the top, I think.

you make it sound like club med is all about strangers hooking up, which is soooooooooooo not the case. I know it might seems so from stories you hear and read but my parents for example are almost 60, they go to club med at least once a year and they've never noticed anything about the hooking-up. (I know, I've asked :)) and most people are just there to have a nice holiday....
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537 Posts
Wow! You guys have been busy today! OK, here was the husband was back at the room with our three kids. We chose to not put them in siesta club, and since I like the silly shows and he doesn't really care for them I went out and he stayed with the kids. Every night I offered to stay back and let him go out, and every night he declined, so I was pretty much on my own. Of course after the show, I went to the bar and hung out for awhile with the GOs and GMs who were enjoying the nightlife. He has complete trust in me...we have been together for over half of our lives, and though I love to flirt and drink and dance, he knows I will NEVER cheat regardless of how much I've had to drink.

He also wouldn't have been as pissed off is it had been another GM who'd been the shark, but he held the GO to a higher standard, especially in a family club where this GO had been told that I was there with my husband and kids and therefore, I was clearly unavailable. Just to show how not jealous my husband is and how much he trusts January I'm going to Cancun with a few girlfriends...a trip he fully supports. He knows there are a few people anywhere you go who are willing to cross the line, and he trusts me to employ Eva's power kneeing move if necessary! Of course he also knows I'm an adrenaline junkie and I like to live on the's a fine line.

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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So all this happened in a Family Club! I may be naive, but that sounds bad. I figured this was at some hot adult club. I hear what MiniEva is saying about how this stuff gets overplayed, but for moms to be fighting off horny staff at the family club is nasty. If they are looking for dads to bring their families down to visit, that is pretty poor public relations!! Even if you have a power knee move, do you really want to use it while your kids are in the room next door?

Other than the $500 you mentioned, did CM do anything to address the matter or did they just pay you off from the "molested and offended guests" budget?

It is also very cool that you have that level of trust. I need to take notes for my future. Do you take lots of trips separately? Is that good or bad?
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hihi, I love the fact you talk about "Eva's power kneeing" :)
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We were in Punta Cana, and the fact that it was a family club made the situation that much worse for my husband. If we'd been at an adult club the situation never would have presented itself because we wouldn't have had to separate for the evenings (no kids to look after in the room). That was the main reason my husband was holding the GOs to such a higher standard...he was counting on them to "take care of his family" and not in the way that it happened! As far as I know nothing else happened other than the "pay off". It really was a pretty minimal incident as far as I was concerned and I handled it with the help of a willing GO who'd become a friend of mine throughout the week from miniclub. After the shark made his move I asked my GO friend to hang out with me for awhile to make it clear that I wasn't interested in the shark's attention, but I wasn't ready to abandon the evening. When I told my friend what had happened his first response was that we needed to tell a supervisor or the CDV, but I begged him not to, I didn't want to get involved in that. I know it is the chicken's way out, but I didn't want to ruin the night, etc. I ended up having a really fun night with little harm done. I probably wouldn't have even mentioned the incident if my husband had been asleep when I returned to the room, but he was awake, and I was can fill in the blanks yourself.

As for the level of trust between takes a long time to get there. We have been together for 17 years...married for nearly 12 with 3 kids. Also, after that many years together, separate vacations aren't that big of a deal. Every other year he takes a vacation with a couple of friends from graduate school, and I take one with some girlfriends. On the alternate years with take a family vacation and whenever we can get someone to keep our kids we take a vacation together. That is a relatively new experience. Our youngest just turned 3, and we are taking our first couple trip since Oct. 1999 in July.

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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Eva's Power Knee was a move they taught at the sorority houses back in college. Sounds like club med may be the advanced training class for it.

Geri aka Brianezra2, what's the deal with the separate vacation thing? The trust thing sounds great but it still seems weird to leave your husband behind while you go on a trip to a hot, adults only club.

Several of my friends who are married with kids do separate vacations, but the explanation I have heard from them was "since we had the kids, we never have sex anyway, so I might as well go party with my buds." Should I be preparing myself for that in the future?
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590 Posts
I hope not!!!!!!!!!!!
Djeeeeeeezus... no sex........there goes my vision of marriage.... :)

I do think it's nice to go on seperate holidays from time to time...
after all you're still yourself, not just part of a couple... you have to give yourself a break from time to time.... even if it's just to enjoy eachothers company even more afterwards!
they do say distance makes the heart grow fonder!
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Eva is right on the money! We are a couple who happens to have a FANTASTIC sex life after being together for a very long time. We consider ourselves very lucky since we know many couples who have fallen into the "since we had kids rut you mentioned". My advice to them is to fix the problem now before they are paying a divorce lawyer...but that's another topic. Don't prepare yourself for a sexless future, but be prepared to work for a long term great relationship, because it does take hard work from time to time.

My husband and I have made a very specific point to be individuals as well as a couple and not forget that we have friends apart from who we are together. Hence the separate vacations, and as Eva said...distance does make the heart grow fonder. We aren't talking about a week here, just a three-day weekend and you can be assured the reunion will be great!

Now...there are two reasons for choosing Cancun as a girlfriend vacation spot...1. I spend everyday taking care of my 3 kids (I am a stay-at-home mom), and I don't want to see a single person under the age of 18 for 3 whole days! and 2. I'm addicted to the trapeze, and at an adult club with the trapeze, if you are advanced (4 catches under your belt), you have two opportunities each day to do trapeze...the regular afternoon session, and the advanced clinic in the a.m.

FYI, when he goes on his guy trips, they tend towards Las Vegas because they like to do mountain biking, hiking, etc. during the day and gambling followed by strip clubs in the evening. He's allowed to look, but not touch! After all, I know he's coming home to me at the end of the trip, and I trust him as much as he trusts me. Like I said, we are really lucky, but we've earned it through a lot of time.

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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Well, any marriage where the husband tells his wife about trips to strip clubs has to have a LOT of trust!! My fiance' is still fretting about the idea of a bachelor party!

So what I am hearing from you is that going to club med is a female version of the strip club for guys? You can flirt and ogle the boy toys, but that is the limit?

I guess the difference is that the girls in strip clubs are only interested in money so none of them make passes at guests unless they are very rich and/or famous. Even if a guy gets so drunk that he thinks he has found true love in a lap dance, inside the girls are laughing at him and picking his pocket. At club med the boy toys sound more than willing to encourage you to cross the line so they can screw your brains out and put another notch in their belts.

Or in MiniEva's case, put another hash mark on the wall of the bathroom where they make their sexy moves.
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And no one ever answered the question about CM:

Other than the $500 geri aka brianezra2's husband got, has CM ever gotten in trouble for knowingly employing sexual predators?
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You have clearly read the book "Bring Down the House"! You are Vegas all they want is your money, and no one finds true love in a lap dance. Of course, I still believe that anyone who really believes they've found true love during a weekend fling at CM with a GO who lives the life of notching their headboard is fooling themselves too.

So yes...CM for me is the female version of the strip club. I can flirt and ogle the eye candy, but that is almost the limit...I can dance with them too! My husband knows I won't get so sloppy drunk that I'll make a bad decision with one of them. I'm not a college student, or even a twenty-something...I'm in my late thirties with a bit more experience under my belt (so to speak), and I don't want to be so hung over that I can't fly on the trapeze in the morning. Sorry that came out a little preachy...didn't mean it that way.

As for CM doing anything other than making payoff's from the "molested and offended guest" budget, we have yet to determine that. My husband is still planning his next move. This exchange on the forum has prompted new discussion, and he is planning the next will go something like this... "Against my better judgement my wife convinced me to use the certificate you sent. She is going with a girlfriend to Cancun in January and I want to know what actions you have taken to ensure there will not be a repeat of the events that transpired last year in Punta Cana..." Basically he wants to know if there is some kind of education program being done for the GOs to ensure that they don't cross lines that shouldn't be crossed with unwilling participants. It is one thing to "make fantasies come true", but to make passes at married women is quite another. In other words...state your desires and let the GM agree to participate or not. According to my husband that would have been OK...then if I had gone along with it, his problem would have been with me, not with CM.

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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I 've got to read this"bring down the house" book :)

I am a college student and twenty-something, which might sounds as the worst possible combination, but I thank my lucky stars that, unlike a lot of college-twenty-something, sex is NOT what my life's about... especially not meaningless sex
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Sorry Eva, I didn't mean to imply that it was...only that sometimes age(not always a good thing!) forces you to have additional responsibilities to consider (husband and children) when making choices in all aspects of your life, not just when on vacation.

The book is's about 6 MIT grads who beat Las Vegas in a huge card counting scheme (non-fiction).

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MiniEva, Meaningless sex may not be what life is about in our 20s, but those mistakes certainly doesn't cost as much as they will when we have spouses and kids. In college, the only cost was a trip to the clinic for a shot of penicillin. And the verbal abuse from your friends because the hottie you thought was eye-candy the night before looked like a troll when you woke up more sober.

Seriously though, maybe later in life you pay a higher price because you have more to lose. Coffee and tylenol are a lot cheaper than a divorce lawyer and kids that hate you.

Geri, you and your husband sound amazingly open-minded about your marriage. How did you determine where to draw the lines you have? Are you really that un-jealous of eachother's attention? Doesn't it bother you (or him) to have the other dirty dancing with a stripper or CM boy toy? (I am not trying to provoke, but really want to know how you reached this point!!.... you say you have a fantastic sex life, so certainly something is working right).
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Is there anyway to post the question about CM payoffs for sexual predator staff all over the forum? I am curious to know if Geri's husband is the only one to get money from the "fund".
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You can start a New Topic to post the question to the entire forum...go into whichever section of the forum seems most pertinent, probably Story Zone or Unhappy Stories (something like that) and click on New Topic.
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Originally posted by usaboy72

MiniEva, Meaningless sex may not be what life is about in our 20s, but those mistakes certainly doesn't cost as much as they will when we have spouses and kids. In college, the only cost was a trip to the clinic for a shot of penicillin. And the verbal abuse from your friends because the hottie you thought was eye-candy the night before looked like a troll when you woke up more sober.

Seriously though, maybe later in life you pay a higher price because you have more to lose. Coffee and tylenol are a lot cheaper than a divorce lawyer and kids that hate you.

I just wanna say this (preach preach):

whether you're in your 20s or whether you're older,
whether you're married and have kids or whether you're single
it shouldn't make a difference!

I might be getting it wrong, but you seem to think it's ok to sleep around as long as you don't have a stable relationship.
I'm not saying you should wait until you get married, but you should just be picky about whom you sleep with.
(Here in Belgium we have a great saying: FIRST BLABLA, THEN BOOM BOOM. If the talking is s**h, you shouldn't even think about taking it further.
I've had my share of one-night-stands and I have to say I didn't like it one bit...
Besides, nowadays we live in a time where it's even more dangerous to sleep around...)

But ofcourse I know you "risk more" when you're married and have kids...
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God, I sound old and boring :)
But then again, it is how I feel
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usaboy72, you said incredibly well what I tried to and didn't...Eva, your choices with a GO or GM on a CM holiday has limited poor connotations because you are single and available. The sex, should you choose to have it, doesn't even have to be meaningless, and if the cost is a shot of penicillin, harrassment from your friends or a broken heart; it will still be less expensive than if you were married with children.

As for the current state of my marriage, we really are that un-jealous of eachother's attention, but it is easier when we are on separate vacations; hence..."what happens in 'name your city' stays in 'name your city'!" My favorite expression is "I'm married, not dead". Truth is I was a flirt when we met as teenagers, and I'm still a flirt, but as long as I come home at the end of the day (or trip) and "do" him, we are OK. I like to dance and he doesn't, so he doesn't mind that I dance on vacation with the boy toys. That way I'm not bugging him to learn to dance, and during "real life" our Saturday nights are filled with dinner and movies. I'm an adrenaline junkie who likes trapeze, sky diving, bungee jumping, rock climbing, roller coasters, etc. and he has a fear of heights. It really is true that opposites attract! We spend our everyday lives doing everyday things together, and CM actually suits our couple trips because the choices are so numerous that we can both find activities we like (I'll do the trapeze while he plays sand volleyball)

Like many couples we know, we went through the standard post-childbirth sexless time, and it really took a toll. When my husband was feeling really neglected, he was ready for divorce or change, but not the status quo. Being the coward that I am, I couldn't imagine raising 3 kids by myself, so I opted for change. It was the hardest thing we ever did, but we came out on the other side a much stronger couple. This was not an overnight kind of change...several years and plenty of backsliding, but we made it. During this time we have seen many friends go the other way...affairs, divorce or settling for a life of sexless nothing. It's really sad. We are one of the lucky ones. We finally took the time to remember why we fell in love in the first place, and learned how to have sex as adults, not hurried college students (what we were when we met). It's much better this way!

Probably more information that you were looking for, but there was no quick answer to your question.

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1356 Posts
I once had a job as a 20 year old bar waiter in a very exclusive country club on the north shore of Lake Michigan in the Chicago area. There was a member who had an absolutely stunning wife (she had appeared in several Hollywood films). She also was one of the nicest people to the help, myself included. We all loved her. We asked her husband, "Doesn't it bother you with all the guys trying to hit on her". He looked at us and said, "I know who she is going home with." I never forgot that. They had a wonderful marriage.
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I just love to hear these 'real life' stories.

I would love to have a marriage like yours one day. To me it really sounds like marriage is supposed to be.
I think in the end that's the most important: remember why you fell in love in the first place.

my point exactly. The "he/she is going home with me"-feeling...
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Eva, I just love the saying you have of "BlaBla, then BoomBoom". That is hysterical! You are sooo right. If the conversation isn't worth having, than, you can be assured the sex won't be worth it either, and it is very risky to sleep around. You just never know, and some people will tell you anything to get you into just never know where they've been or who they've been with, so it's worth it to be careful.

Tonight Jerry and I were out clothes shopping (yes, we both have the same name...go ahead and laugh...get it out of your system!). The salesman asked if we'd been married for about 2 years. He was shocked when we told him 12. He said we acted like newlyweds. It was nice that other people noticed how affectionate we are with eachother. I just love that! We stayed out long enough to be sure the kids were asleep and then sent the sitter home early!

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24 Posts
Geez, honey!! You might have well said "Its 11pm and time for me to shag my husband for the next two hours" So much for our privacy on these posts.

I really can't offer advice on single life in the modern age. Geri was my date to my senior prom, so we are coming up on 19 years together (12 married) this summer.

We did work very hard on our relationship on many occasions, and the payoff has been phenomoenal. It was well worth it!!!!!
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Wish we had something like a prom here in Belgium....
makes me wanna jump in a plane, fly to the states and enrole in the first school that'll have me....
makes me wanna think twice about starting to work as soon as I have my diploma... extra year in the states sounds pretty tempting... but then again, I only know these things from the movies, so real life might be totally different :)

in any case:
welcome on clubmedplanet, jerry :)
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537 Posts
Prom was senior year of high school, not university; and I'm guessing you (and everyone else) wouldn't want to live through that again! Not worth it. Travel time is fun, but a steady income is nice too. After college graduation we roamed Europe for a few weeks (all the money we had) before returning to real life and getting a real job (me) and going to graduate school (him).

Jerry, I can't believe you actually got onto this website! Does this mean you'll just read the posts and I don't have to catch you up each night?!

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24 Posts
Well, honey, it is illuminating to read about our relationship through the lens of clubmedworld. Between this web site and the gossip at the gym, I should be completely up to date on our love life.

I may not be able to "check in" every day, but call me if you post something really juicy.

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27 Posts
We had a prom in our last year of university - which I thought was much better than our high school prom. From my experience, European schools are very different from North American ones which tend to have more of a campus life. I don't know anything about university in Belgium though - my europeen knowledge is limited to France.
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1353 Posts
Hi Guys, just dropping in with nothing really important to say except that now we might start "The Jerry and Geri Show"... Not meant in any disrespectfull way at all... Kudo's to both of you. I'm very happy to have both of you here and I am sure that many people will become better people because of you two.

Welcome !
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24 Posts
Hmmm...after all this time, my wife has finally suckered me into doing a show at CM. I don't know about "many people becoming better people" though. Maybe we will start a "Sex Tips for Married Folk" forum.

In all fairness to my wife, she is not the only one guilty of flirting in this relationship......
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641 Posts
not that it's bad, but can't believe you haven't been doing any shows at CM!!! i love doing them with my boyfriend, who would normally never contemplate anything like that but in CM, anything goes and he just doesn't mind making a fool of himself! the classic one is where the girl sits on top of the guy on the tummie and pretend to be doing exercies with the legs and arms, looking incredible flexible due to the awkward position....

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537 Posts
That sound hysterical! July will be our first CM vacation without our kids, so maybe then. It's too hard to do a show together when the kids are hanging on you, and can't be trusted to be left on the bench while you "perform".

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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Charlie the Turk
24 Posts
The 2 G.O.'S who gave an interview in a magazine must be very inmature I have 21 seasons in my belt as a G.O. I've slept with a lot of woman, but I'll never tell. As they say what happens in club med stays in club med. However, I would like to warn all the female g.m.'s who go to club med stay away from first season g.o's they talk and every g.o. knows who screw who; I remember my first season, every time I slept with a woman I use to put a notch on my bed post:)
I've met a lot of woman did not sleep with any body,because either they had boy friends at home or they were married, but they were in one of thousands. It's very rare.
G.O.'s who have sex at night won't talk to you the next day. Why? because they were mostly drunk the night before:) . So ladies have sex at your own risk..........
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198 Posts
If someone sleeps with someone who cares? It's on vacation(what happens there stays there) and as long as you use's like a long hand shake.
There was only one I cared about in Cancun.
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784 Posts
I never thought of it that way that the GO;s were too drunk wo remember who they were with. I still say that anyone who thinks anything willl ever come of anything at CM, either with GO or GM is crazy. Yeah they do happen but the fling is more the norm,.
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198 Posts
Hey friends...I was just remembering an amusing story that I was part of last month in Cancun. After a few days of hanging out with this one guy he started ignoring me & I was not so happy about that, but I forced myself to go out and activley meet more people. So I was in the pool talking to everyone and I met this woman and her gay friend. They were very fun, so I started telling her what had happened...well she was one of the "female sharks" and this group of hot guys came along, so she just jumped right up on this guys floaty in the pool and wrapped her legs around him. Then she whispered for me to go after his friend. I was not as forward as her, so I was kind of like, "...I don't know." So a half hour later she told me we were all going to hang out in their rooms,which opened onto the beach, so off we went. I sort of got pushed into the friends room alone w/him, so I walked right through and went to the water and went in took off my swim suit and swam. The guy followed me and was very insistant that I come back into his room. Now I'm not going to say what happened, but later the woman(I'll call her T.) emerged from the other room still putting on her clothes...The guys were asking me if I wanted to have a 3 way and I said only if T. was there too(I didn't want to be the only girl with 2-3 strangers). But anyway that DID NOT happen.
So we went to the bar after that. An hour later I was looking for T. so I asked her gay friend where she was . He told me she had gone to give a B.J. she'd be back soon. Well she came back and tells me, "OMG, guess what I just did." She had taken 2 more guys up to the lifeguard lookout and did one and blew the other. Then I noticed a big white spot on her shirt, she said it was umm, male body fluid. I said," Eww, go change it." She was like Oh it's OK. Then this one GO walked by(name starts with a P.) and I was admiring him. Well she tells me she did him the night before. I was like, "You lucky bitch, I'm so jealous"! This girl was out to set a record! I had only known her for 2 days and I already knew about 4 guys she'd been hittin' within a 24 hour period.(At the end I think her score was something like 10). Impressive. Haha. Later at the disco she disappeared again, and again her friend said she went off to give a b.j...After she went home the group of guys from the night before came up to me and asked if I was like her and if I wanted to go back to the room with them. I didn't but they kept asking for days. They were like, "you should try to beat T's score, come on." I won't say what the final score was, but it was more than one and a lot less than hers. None of them were GOs, although there was one GO, P., that I would have liked to hook up with, but whenever he talked to me it was when my first guy was close by and I didn't want him to see me flirting w/ P. or when I was not in a very good mood after that guy went home w/o saying goodbye even. So I wasn't feeling too sociable for a while. Now I regret not getting him when he was right there.
There is one woman that I would like to say sorry to if she reads this. Mary from Canada, sorry you got upset with me, but I didn't know you had a thing with A. so don't blame me. It was nothing to me anyway.
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641 Posts
i'm sorry pussecat and i may be just too innocent, but what you described above is much more lurid than i ever thought a singles village would be. if anything, it turned me off a little knowing that so many GOs are that desparate. it's kind of off-putting!

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198 Posts
Lioness, this was not about GO's at all. It was GM's. I was part of it but I certainly was not all that scandelous like her.I was just hangin' with her & her friend.
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1356 Posts
Well, Lioness, I was a little put off too. Desparate GM's, desparate GO's--what difference does it make? Speaking as a psychologist, unless "Miss T" is in her early twenties and "sowing her wild oats and exploring the meaning of life", she has some major self worth-self esteem issues.

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24 Posts
Stories like this give promiscuity a bad name!! Of course, voluntary acts between freely consenting adults are (and should be) perfectly acceptable. Of course, with behavior like that she will put all the local prostitutes out of business.

It is interesting that the responses to Miss T's ardor for conquests seems to get a more viceral response than the male GO's who are notching their headboards. Do the randy, random men get branded as low self-esteem/self-worth sufferers as well?

Speaking as a layman, women who get a kick from random sex are no worse or better than the men. As long as her STD's don't show up on my health insurance, more power to them. Just keep her away from the family clubs where I take my kids <s>.

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537 Posts
I get the feeling that the GO's who (up until now) have received the bulk of the attention in this thread, haven't been getting the attention of more than one GM per night, as opposed to Miss T. who seems to have been trying to fit in as many men as humanly possible into her vacation time. Did she do any snokeling, trapeze or tennis? Just curious. Doesn't seem to be any time to spare.

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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198 Posts
I don't judge her or anyone else if they want to go wild on vacation and sleep w/lots of people. That's their choice. What was nasty was the next day when that group of guys were looking for her & talking to me they told me she didn't use protection with any of them, she just didn't care.
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784 Posts
I agree, what anyone does is their own perogative. I am just not sure this forum is the place to tell everyone about it. Not to use protection isnt scary its just stupid!
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98 Posts
Hey hey now, let's not all jump on this Miss T (although she's already been jumped...) for being in need of attention. Everyone needs to feel wanted and for some people sex is the easiest way to get attention. Also, if I told you about a certain male GO who had sex with 2 or 3 different women each week would the reaction be the same? Just because she is a woman and gets around doesn't make her a bad person. There is room at CM for everyone! Without women like Miss T the rest of us don't seem as "normal".
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641 Posts
Well said. I suppose I find both situations equally problematic, and not that I'm silly enough to think these things don't happen. It was just really uncomfortable reading about them so explicitly here in this forum!

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198 Posts
There is not much that shocks me or that I am uncomfortable talking/hearing about anymore. Working in hospitals for the last 13 years...if any of you have worked in a hospital you know all the gossip and drama/scandal that goes on btwn. everyone, esp. in the E.R! I've done Lot's of vacations, lots of lots of things(and what fun it has been)...What T. was doing was like, no big deal to me; sort of amusing in a way actually. Call me jaded if you want.
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861 Posts
Hey everyone!
Just read the topic in one go and I'd just like to say that however promiscuous (spelling??) T's behaviour it is hers to deal with. Too bad it caused someone else a bit of hassle... but it seems as though you got out of it well! Way to go girl!
As for the sharks hitting on wives... that's a real sticky situation but you can't let a rotten apple spoil the whole of CM for you Usaboy... sharks are everywhere, including CM!
That doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything about it, but you can't judge a worldwide organization by its worst components.
I was at an adults only club in June and trust me there were a few sharks I can assure you. It's up to you not to let them spoil your vacation.
I certainly didn't and had the time of my life! So much so I'm going back as soon as I can arrange things!
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16 Posts
I think if that's what Miss T wanted to do with her vacation, that's her choice, although I think it's incredibly stupid not to use protection. Would anyone be so disapproving if the story was about a guy?? I doubt it.

Anyway, I was a GO in Punta Cana, and it was fun, but sometimes it felt really incestuous..and a bit like an episode of "Dawson's Creek" or something, lol. Yeah, some married men propositioned me after their wives were in bed. I would decline. I had some fun with this incredible GM boy from California, fun with a couple of the GOs.

You can't get attached, though. And the girls are mostly crazy. you think you've met a friend, and they completely screw you over.
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First Post
hello to all,

i've been a go for some years, and i read the article in the magazine. my personal opinion is that beeing a go it's a really hard job. i would compare it like going to see a play in brodway, (you laugh,smile,cry,enjoy,etc) you experience al lot of emotions and adventures. but please remember the back stage, we are humans, we work hard for the gm's and it's not all about sex... i had the best expereiences in CM and i would not trade them for anything, it's true that things are more intense when its a vacation fling, but in real life it's more less the same thing: you meet some one, you get to know them, you spend some time and then you sleep toghether, after this you'll see if it works or not. in CM this happens in less than a week! i have to agree with some coments about the male female ratio in places like turkoise, girls sometimes could be really persistent! it is not always the GOs, some days you really want to go to bed ALONE!!!

all i could say is enjoy life, have fun, take care and overall be responsible!

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First Post
hello ! I' m brand new at Clubmedplanet and i just read about that article thing. I just wanna add more infirmations about it as i know the GO Miked who "said" all those stuff. First of all sorry for my english but i'm french so... The story is: I meat Mike D three years ago as he was a first season GO.We had an amazing week thanks to him in particular. He' s the kind of guy everybody likes. We became penpale thanks to internet and MSN. We saw each other again at San Diego and last summer he told me he was GO at Turkoise and ask me if i wanted to come. I said yes and had again an great week. The journalist who wrote the article arrived a day after my departure and became a "friend" of Miked. They spent the entire weeks together with the other GO who has been mentionned in the article, having fun and partying a lot.Sometimes she asked some questions about their job and they told the truth about CM: Some Female GM come to CM to get laid and some don't, some male GO's are sharks and some are not.They also say it was hard sometimes to resist to all those girls, that it's easy to become a shark in CM and the aim is to resist. They talked about the mentality in CM etc etc etc. When i got news from Miked in september he told me he had to quit CM because everbody was talking about him and even hating him. He explained me about this journalist bitch who talked **** about GOs and CM and who wrote in the end that all this lousy words were coming out from a GO's mouth. Mike got really affected by this story and i know he would never said those crap about GM and CM in general. The journalist was just too retarded to get his point and do her job correctly,those stories happen every day, we shouldn't make a bigger deal about it . I hope you trust me, i saw him working in Turkoise and he really wasn't like some described him before.
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1652 Posts
When were you in Punta Cana and what area did you work in?
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84 Posts

Winners never scroll!
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641 Posts

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636 Posts
Wow that's unbelievable! But is it now allowed for GO's to have sex with GM's or not?
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784 Posts
Nothing ever surprises me, my first comment was, how did she get Herpes if they used a condom!. Look CM has always gotton a bad rep, I have been to family, singles and resorts for everyone, I have never ever see a GO cross the bounrdires unless they were not very clear to begin with. Youhave GOs and GM drinking and whenever that happens no ones jugement or response is ever clear I am not saying NO one ever pusghes themselves on any one but, as many GO's have told me, if you say no, there are a lot of other woman who would say yes. Its like the Jane article, you have to take it with a grain of salt.
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24 Posts

With all due respect, that is a load of crap. In just my limited experience with CM, all of it at family resorts, there is significant impropriety. G.O.'s making aggressive moves on female G.M.'s who have been VERY clear that they were not interested. Even guests who make it clear that they are on vacation with their families are often pursued aggressively. A wife and mother on vacation with her husband and kids should NOT have to seek the protection of other G.O.'s to avoid sharks at the evening party.

While most G.O.s are respectful and appropriate, CM is abhorrently negligent in its policing of such matters, particularly in their family resorts. Club employees are responsible for the safety and security of their guests. That SHOULD include protecting a guest who overindulges at the bar from being molested. CM instead promotes the same promiscuous policies at its family resorts as it does at its singles clubs. Most women would NEVER go to a bar full of complete strangers and get sloshed, but CM engenders a feeling of relaxed safety without any warning that the much of the staff is just as "sharky" as the barflies in any beachside honkytonk. The reality is that the problems mentioned in that article are much more widespread than the volume of lawsuits indicates because many of the guests who are molested choose to ignore it or are too embarrassed to complain.

CM has many fine qualities. I have been a GM three times and plan to return next summer. However, their biggest failing is the lack of responsibility they take for addressing this exact problem in their family clubs.

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210 Posts
i kindda disagree with what was just said..molested is a really strong word to use unless you witness or experience both sides of the story.
Where I am from (montreal), you see girls getting hammered by them self in a bar filled with strangers.Sadly sometimes bad stuff happen, and Club Med, like anywhere in the world,must not be an exception for these unfortunate incidents.
It is always so terrible when it happens to famous people, or famous resorts , 'cause famous is the best ingredient for a good scandal and people like scandal. but, everyday, some childrens get abused by teachers,babysitters..patients get abuse by doctors.. shouldn't schools and hospitals be responsible for the safety of our loved ones?
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198 Posts
Jerryboy, if you have never been to an adult village, you should check it out.
I don't beleive ANYONE was ever molested at CM. If they end up in that situation, why did they get in that situation in the first place? Because they want to be there. No one ever drags anyone off anywhere and molests them. People go willingly. Perhaps the next morning they regret it, however that is a result of thier own judgment.
What's the big deal anyway?
No one complains about being laid well, just when they can't get it again and being hurt/embarassed. So all the whiners, if there are any, you wanted it. Shut up. Be happy you got any in the first place!

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537 Posts
I don't know how it is in Canada, but in the US stories like that (schools, doctors, babysitters, etc.) are all over the news for being sued, prosecuted, arrested every single day. I think the fact that CM is a "famous" resort only allows it enough money to sweep most of its lawsuits under the rug by coming to a settlement all of which include confidentiality clauses...although I do agree that in many cases "molested" is too strong a word. For the lawsuit above, the woman with herpes who was involved in the lawsuit engaged in consensuel (sp?) sex, and even though we don't know whether they used a condom, or how careful they were, they clearly came to an agreement to have was not forced on her...she was not molested. But I do know of many cases where GOs have crossed the line, and in CM somehow they missed the lesson where "no" actually means "no", not try again later.

Geri a.k.a. brianezra2
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24 Posts

I disagree that CM bears no responsibility in these matters. GOs are power positions. The GMs arrive and place their trust in the GO's to keep them safe and happy. The GMs are strangers in a strange land. They do not know the local laws or the quality of law enforcement. They are in a much weaker position than the GOs. For many GMs, that happiness would involve a few rolls in the hay with a hot GO. And that is fine. However, there are less savory stories about.

The GO's also have a duty to protect the GM's from making bad choices while inebriated. If you have a drunk housewife whose husband has returned to the room to check on the children, the duty of the GO is to help the incapacitated GM back to her room without taking sexual advantage of the situation. In other words: GOs need to be the protectors, not the rapists or seducers.

Two consenting adults are always free to bump uglies in the night, but the burden is on the GO to make sure the GM would still go through with this were they sober and clear thinking. Otherwise it can be constituted as sexual assault since the victim was incapable of giving consent. As the hosts and protectors, the GOs need to have the highest standards regarding the rule that NO means NO.

That same standard applies for schools, hospitals and doctors, ALL of whom receive severe civil and criminal punishment for violating the law in these areas. I know some doctors serving time if you want to meet them.
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24 Posts
I have never been to an adult village. But I would bet that you are wrong. The adult villages may have a more target rich environment, but the same behaviors happen in all the clubs. The GOs are sharks looking for female GM bait. They use their authority positions to push their advantage. While many GMs want to be "taken away by a studly boy toy scuba diver", many do NOT.

I have heard horror stories from all types of clubs, ranging from Asia to Europe, Caribbean to Mexico, adult and family. The staff is all the same and trained the same, so no one should be surprised that the family clubs have more trouble.

So if you don’t mind, you can take your "If she got raped, she musta dun somthin to deserve it, Right, Enos?" attitude and stick it. If I send my wife and kids on vacation at CM, I expect her to be able to party with the staff and guests without having to pull away groping hands from over-eager GO's looking to score and maybe break up a marriage and family in the process. If that is how CM defines "taking care of you and your family in a safe and friendly environment" they have a LOT left to learn.
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21 Posts
All the staff is not trained the same thank yo very much as a female XGO the only experience I gave my gm was in archery, roller blading or snorkkeling...Was I hit on, yes sometimes very hard and when I WALKED AWAY FROM THE GM, THEY GRABBED MY ARM AND WANTED TO KNOW WHY I WAS NOT GOING TO HELP THEM WITH THEIR VACATION EXPECTAIONS... DO NOT LUMP US ALL TOGTHER AS BEING TRAINED TO PLEASURE YOU.
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784 Posts
Like I said, I have been to many many CM, and yes there are exceptions to every rule but I have never seen the behavior that is talked about. I also have gone with teenage girls all very pretty and the GO's were very appropriate with them the entire time. I am alsop good friend and am in touch woth many GO's while this behavior does happens it is the exceoption not the rule and I guarentee it sthe same thing that happens at closing time in almost every club back home.
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24 Posts

My apologies for failing to qualify my statement: As my first note says, I think MOST G.O.s are decent and respectful; they tend to look upon the shark members of the staff as reprehensible. However, my problem is with CM, not with the G.O.s themselves. The reason CM has so many lawsuits, paid out with confidential sealed settlements, is because they DON'T police or educate the G.O.s properly on how to handle their responsibilities as hosts. Your level of professionalism was something you brought with you to CM; it was not something they engendered or supported.

Were I the CDV when that GM tried to manhandle you, I would have booted him from the resort and sent him packing on the next plane. However, I doubt my attitude towards management responsibilities are widely held in CM.

Most of the members here on CMPlanet are well aware of the pitfalls of the CM culture and are savvy enough to recognize that you enter at your own risk. The benefits of CM are fabulous: great food, open bar, good facilities, great social and athletic activities, good kid camps, beautiful beaches, and self contained setting are all what makes CM great. The G.O.s are the glue that holds all of that together and are why I am taking my family there again next year.

The problem is that CM doesn't put warning labels on their welcome packages explaining that some of the G.O.s should be considered predators and you should not let your guard down too far. This may be an obvious peril at Turks or Cancun, but those same predators swim in the waters at the family clubs. My experience, both personal and second hand, is that the sharks don't make any distinction between single or married when they go after bait. A married GM should be able to let her hair down and party and dance at the bar without fear of some randy G.O. putting the moves on her. Unfortunately, CM hasn't figured that out.

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210 Posts
You must have misread me, because i cannot see in my reply that i said CM has no responsabilities for these infortunates incidents..When i compare to docs or teacher, all i try to show is that there is no 100% safe place, even though hospitals,school have responsabilities too...
and im sorry but rapisrt is a strong word to use too...
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21 Posts
Club Med is also not alone, cruise ships have had more scandelous guest related incidents than CM, you will find the predator person as a go, crusie ship emoloyee, hotel/ resort worker and don't forget professional athletes.
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21 Posts
and I wanted to add that I have seen GMs go after go's with the same aggression you talk about the go's doing: stalking them at their activity finding out where there room is and waiting for them there naked in bed.
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198 Posts
Jerryboy, I certainly did not say "if she got raped she deserved it."
So don't misinterpret and attempt to mislead people into believing I am an assh*le. YOU said that, not me.
I have some strong opinions on this subject. I was raped years ago. I know how these things get set up and what goes on and how it happens.
My point is that everyone needs to take responsibility for themselves. If someone cannot handle themselves when they are drinking, then don't drink, Simple! I don't go for that liberal/victim mentality, "oh I was drunk, so it couldn't possibly have anything to do with me," way of thinking. Not at CM. No one breaks into rooms or literally drags anyone off to rape them. You know what I mean, so don't feign ignorance.
When I was in CM I drank and yeah I ended up in my room with people that wanted to have sex when I didn't want to, so I told them no, forcefully.
No person with half a brain should have to depend on someone else, least of all a GO, to look out for them.
BTW Jerry. I don't need your kid glove treatment when you ask me to "stick it." I know you really want to say F. You. Therefore, I decline to "stick it." You can take whatever it was you intended to be stuck and put it wherever you want to on your own body.

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16 Posts
You know what I think….. I think ( and have seen it when I was a GO like on a daily basis) those dumb silly 30-ish something plus housewifes who visited CM and were desperate for any kind of attention & confirmation in whether or not they were still as attracted as the young ones and wanted to know whether or not they were still “in the market” and who were flirting like pathetic desperate what evers, even if their husbands were also in CM /sleeping/or wherever, behaving kind of cool like: “oh don’t worry , I may be married but he doesn’t really mind and neither do I” and then when something was about to happen “ chickend out, because HEY I’M MARRIED!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!! …Most of the time they would get drunk and then they could blame it not theirselves (what…MOI???) but on the booze, and (of couououourse thank god for them ) the GO’S…….
Since then I’ve been to CM a few times as a GM, and now I am this 30-ish plus “girl” and I am married, and I do not have to make perfectly clear that I’m married and not interested, because I never give any GO that slightliest (don’t know how to write that) bit of bodylanguage feedback in the first place……
And if you do want to flirt, dance, fool around, be drunk and have fun, then please be a man about it and do all that because everybody should live their lives the way they want, married or not…B U T…….don’t start sueing the club because some GO was more then interested, or because you’ve got some disease because you had unsafe sex, or because, and this is almost hilarious, some young GO DID NOT say” Oh you know what, I know you’ve been flirting with me for about the moment I fist gave you skiing lessons, almost undressing me with your look, but hey, you are drunk and, oh-oh, married, so let me take you back to your husband and kids”
Are you like bloody kidding me here….?
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641 Posts
ahem, and pardon my attempt at diplomacy. i think by now we all know there are very strong arguments on both sides and that many of us feel severely one way or another because of personal experiences. bottom line is all GOs behave differently and so do all GMs. let's just go back to information sharing and drop the hostility, or just PM someone if you are really upset about a message. really no need to knaw at each other here!

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11 Posts
I agree with you totally psboex. Having worked at CM for 2 years as a female GO I have experienced the same things you have described here and more, much, much more.
But Jerryboy, yes, a female GM should be able to dance with her hair down at the bar and all that but if she has been flirting overtly with 'eye candy' all week she also should not be offended when a GO hits on her when she is drunk at the end of the night. If you go out anywhere in this world there are 'predators' with whom 'you can't let your guard down' so please don't try to signel the GO's as using their 'authority postions' because the girls don't have to throw themselves on the male GO's either and that is 99.5% true each and every night. CM is not a school and there really isn't an 'authority' postion. The girls that respond to GO's are not doing so because of an 'authority position', otherwise I would think you would rather be fearful of her boss, or if she doesn't work, then the manager of the gym. Of course, there is an 'advantage' because they are young, beautiful and knowledgeable in areas that seem out of reach to a normal everyday person, and the tan is inevitablely extremely helpful, too. You seem to be offput by the male GO's in general here and I also think that each of the guests, male and female, has a responsibility to themselves to behave in an appropiate manner and this in turn determines the level of respect in which they are to be treated during their vacation stay. If you are drunk each night 'letting your hair down' then you have to be expected to be treated in the way that you present yourself. We are not hired as GO's to be babysitters to drunk GM's, especially if we work at a family village; in that case, we babysit only the children. I am not condoning any foul play in ANY sense but let's be realistic in what we expect here and if the GO's, who are in reality teenagers to young adults, with a sprinking of 'thirty somethings' don't meet your expectations then there is always a family village at Sandals and I know for a fact that they teach trapeze there, too.
I'm really sick of the GO's being blamed for all this bad behavior when it's most always the other side who do the initiating and when things don't go their way they make up some story to turn the tables so they don't look bad. I've seen it way too many times.
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37 Posts
From one of your "not so typical" male GO's...

I guess you could call me a GO "newbie". I have worked at Lindeman Island part-time for a total of 15 weeks, but from the start I always got the impression that male GO's in general are stereotyped as "sexaholics"!

It all comes down to the attitude of the individuals themselves. Me, I'm not working there for the sex... I'm there for the experience! You wouldn't think any single 25 year old male GO's would turn down an invitation from a female GM, but I've done it on several occasions! It's just not in MY blood to get with (or even try and get with) every GM that I meet.

Hell, I was shocked when I first started and found they stocked condoms in the first aids kits at every service!!

It's quite easy to make a GM happy and enjoy their CM experience without the need for sex, especially single mothers and those who have broken up from marriages/relationships. I've found that by just talking and getting to know THEM and spending time with them, I have made some great friendships with people who I had never met before and had only known for a week or so. The best thing you can offer them is to be their "friend", not just "another GO".

Sure you can also "flirt" a little, but you need the ability to not go TOO far, and end up doing something that either or both of you may regret. I've got that ability, but I believe there are quite a lot who don't.

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198 Posts
Great post Kja. It's nice to know that there are some sensible people out there still.
Before I went to CM I read stories about how bad male GOs were. I basically scoffed...When I was in Cancun the male GOs that I met were sometimes flirtatious, but very kind and respectful to me. None of them ever overstepped any boudaries or even suggested anything inappropriate. Now the GMs on the other hand were quite a different story.Some took no for an answer, yet were very irritated. Others, I had to literally push them off me(one out of the room and one was on the beach late at night), and another...damn he just kept persisting and I really didn't care, so he got what he wanted. I knew what could happen when we(a group of us that were hanging out together) all retired to thier rooms. It wasn't my first chioce of how to spent that hour, but I certainly wasn't molested.

CM, it's not just a vacation. It's a way of life.
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16 Posts
I think there are things to be said on both sides here. I was a GO, and I know that some of my fellow GOs could be a little agrsessive, particularly the Dominicans. I think it should be understood that too much pursuing can be construed as harassement, because CM is for the guests, and they have to be comfortable with having fun on their vacations. But if both parties are adults, both are responsible for their own behavior.

However, since the GMs are on a vacation, it is likely that they will party more than is usual for them, and although someone may be an adult it doesn't mean that they can't be taken advantage of. And just because someone gets themself into a situation they don't want to be in, that doesn't mean that they deserve what they get. I don't think there's a real solution to be had here, except that us GOs have to be careful. And hey, GMs can be just as aggressive with us.

Oh yeah. And you can get STDs like herpes and HPV even if you use a condom, because they can be contracted through skin-to-skin contact. It sucks, doesn't it!
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24 Posts
Wow. It's a shame CMPlanet doesn't get paid by the word, or we would have significantly increased its income for the year. And thanks to lioness for reminding all of us (myself included) to debate the issue, not the person. All my apologies to Ash aka PusseeCat for my excessive use of colorful metaphors.

Back on the topic:

The issue of whether or not GO's sometimes over press for sex with GM's is a given. MOST do not, but there are simply too many cases (both in the courts and out) where this is true. Just with my limited contact with CM (three visits, all family resorts) and on CMPlanet there is ample evidence of these cases, and that is nowhere near a full accounting. Ash, Karolyn, kja, and blinc all raise valid points that some of these cases may be GM induced, but just because Ash hasn't felt that GO's have misbehaved with HER, does NOT mean that all the other GM's who have complaints are liars, whiners, exaggerators, or "silly housewives".

The GO's are not there to indulge their hormones. They are there to care for the GM's. There is certainly an appropriate place for GO-GM relationships, most of which are perfectly legit. But the GM's should be able to party and relax (including some flirting and admiring looks) without having to defend their virtue. A family resort is NOT a frat house. Most of the complaints I have heard are from family clubs, not "swinging" adult clubs; I think guests at adult clubs are more aware of CM's risks while family club guests are surprised by the seedier side of the family clubs. CM's record of settling these matters out of court and demanding on full secrecy about these cases should be a clue. (for the record, I think GM's who are overly aggressive should be given the boot: battery is battery no matter what who you are). And the issue here is not GO's. They are exactly as blinc describes them: teenagers and young adults. The issue is CM, and its training and supervision of GO's. I can forgive a young GO who misbehaves. I have a much harder time forgiving a multi-billion dollar company that ignores the problem by paying off guests from the "molested and offended guests budget."

The core issue here is the balance between personal responsibility for one's actions (and the resultant reactions) and the organizational responsibility that a corporation bears for its behavior. For our international readers, my viewpoints on the issue of corporate responsibility are based in American culture and law; I cannot say how this matter would be viewed in other countries.

Companies are responsible for the actions of their employees when they act under their control. Period. If it is part of the GO's job to come to the parties and party hard with the GM's, then CM is responsible for their conduct. That is NOT to say that employees don't occasionally break the rules or disobey orders, but the company must exercise due care to see that this does not happen. They must also take reasonable steps to address known misconduct and to prevent recurrences.

CM wants to have it both ways. They instruct the GO's to come to the parties, wear themed clothing, wear their name tags, and keep the party going for the GM's. It is a way to ensure that CM always looks like the trendiest club in town. However, they seem to forget that employees are either under the companies control or not. Just because the GO's are young and exuberant does not let CM off the hook. It is CM's responsibility to train GO's properly and to address behavior issues. CM KNOWS this is a problem in their facilities, but does nothing to stop it. That is the core element of corporate irresponsibility. Men behaving badly, boys will be boys, or the girl probably asked for it are not acceptable answers. If the system is truly "buyer beware", the CM needs to make that clear before hand.

Club Med is in a high risk business. They take vacationers and put them in a seemingly safe environment. The prop
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113 Posts
I haven't been to a family club, but based on what I saw during two visits in Cancun, GOs who transfer from adult clubs to family clubs aren't the cause of these problem GOs. The GOs in Cancun wanted to have fun and, yes, were very good at flirting but they also respected limits and seemed a bit tired of the GM women who were overly agressive in their pursuit of GOs. I can't say the same for some of the male GM.

Also, I don't think it's correct to say Club Med is doing nothing. From what I heard in January, Club Med -- at least in the America zone -- understands that it has to act when CDVs or GOs harass GMs and/or GOs. The CDV at an adults only village was asked to leave last year because of these issues. We'll have to see whether this approach has a long term impact in how GOs are managed.
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784 Posts
Its funny, I have met the same GO's at family club med and singles CM and I can honestly say they are very different people. I know that certain CDV at family clubs set the tone of whats appropriate and whats not. I think a lot of CDV are aware of what goes on and they are careful abput what happens, an example is the crazy signs, Phillipe at Punta CAna would not let them do Tequila Boom Boom becuse its about drinking and its a family club (he told me this) but 2 years earlier another CDV let them do it. Yes its not the same as the sexual aspect but it shows certain CDV are aware of whats appropriate and whats not.
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641 Posts
wow i would never have thought. tequila boom boom is one of my favourite songs and i was so bummed that they didn't play it at all at punta cana a month ago. now i know why. it makes a lot of sense, not that i understood any of the words aside from tequila and cerveza!

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98 Posts
WOW, what a thread! For what it's worth, here are my two cents. There are three sides to any conflict, the 3rd being the truth. Depending on your perspective, a GO or GM may have been "led on" by the other party, or the other party was just flirting. If we all try to impose our values and jusgements on others and tell them what to do how to act etc... the world would be a terrible place (just look at certain regions of the world now in the news). ESPECAILLY at CM, (and by extension on this site) everyone should respect everyone else's rights to their own opinion, and if you disagree, that should be OK. Now, anyone want a drink?
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784 Posts
Gobar, I will buy you that drink. You are 100% can we put this issue to bed...pardon my pun.
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24 Posts
Consider it all tucked in. I have carpal tunnel from all the typing, anyway.
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5 Posts
Wow you guys had a lot to say! But I think that's good....being a GO ( not sure if I'm going back or not for yet another season) I think it's important we get all this information before working or vacationing at one of the CM's. For me, it's a way of life, which is usually always combined with good and bad. CM is all about having fun, and escaping the "real world" when you don't know what you want in your life. A lot of GM's like to complain, yet they keep coming obviously they are enjoying themselves:) I agree with what you all said, and that CM needs to take responsibility for its actions, we all do if we are all considerable adults. Have fun at these villages, meet new friends and get a great tan!! Tennis GO
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98 Posts
OK jayycee, I'll have a gin and tonic with lime. What would you like to drink? Now tell me more about yourself... GO or GM? morning person or night? Stick shift or automatic? IBM or mac? Steak or seafood? Monorgasmic or multi?
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784 Posts
Gin and tonic, you ned a more tropical drink for the CM spirit! I have never been a GO, altho last time I was in PI everyone thoguht I was since I was with the GO's so much. People kept asking me what I did at the Club!
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23 Posts
Ma è uno scherzo? Non tutte le donne vanno al med per stare con un GO e non tutti i GO ci provano sempre e indiscriminatamente con tutte le GM ... a me personalmente è capitato, ma mi è anche capitato di dire di no. Sono carini, ci sanno fare, ma non sono degli dei e nessuno ci obbliga a starci e chi ci sta non è certo da considerare male ne tanto meno sono da considerare male loro che ci provano ... ragazze, la vita è falta di scelte e la vacanza è fatta per divertirsi e chi non ha molto da fare ci scrive su degli articoli deficienti e a noi che ci importa??

Allora...bionda, capelli ricci, occhi verdi, fisico atletico...che dire più...ah sono SIMPATICISSIMAAAAAAAA!!!!
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94 Posts
Can someone translate ?? unfortunately i don't speak italian :(
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784 Posts
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861 Posts
Hey guys I'm just back from another 10 days at CM Cefalù, Italy. It's an adult village and a real wild place to tell you the truth and I feel I should give you my point of view on the topic...

I have to say that I agree with all of the opinions expressedas they are all very sensible... CM should really set guidelines for its employees, GOs should know where to draw the line and GMs should really be more careful about the message they send to GOs as misunderstanding can be an issue if both parties are drunk...

But I also feel that the way this issue is addressed here is totally "american" for a lack of an adjective...

I've never been to any of the clubs mentioned and that probably makes a huge difference (GO training and stricktness may change in different regions...) but both times I was at Cefalù I was (repeatedly) hit on by overeager GOs but none of them ever crossed the line, no harsh words were spoken and no physical offence ever attempted.
There were horror stories there too but none of them ever had anything to do with GOs, only with GM/GM affairs...

I'm sure that depends from the CDV and Chefs de Service and also from individual GOs, but I have kept a careful eye on the resort and I have noticed no improper behaviour whatsoever...

Having said that I think that "americans" (please don't focus on the word...) have a higher sensitivity on the subject, your legislation is a lot strickter and almost anyone can be pursued of sexual harassment for doing next to nothing... I once sat on a guy's hand by mistake at Disneyland, LA over Christmas and the poor guy looked at me in horror saying he was ever so sorry and that he didn't mean to touch me... isn't that a bit exaggerate?

Getting back on track.. the woman suing (spelling?) CM for getting herpes after consensual sex should take a reality check and if anyone she should sue her own self for her own stupidity...

You guys let's just go back to CM and enjoy all of what it has to offer: fun and sun... anything else should be up to us, don't you think?
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861 Posts
oh and pass the malibu!!
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94 Posts
Thanks jayycee !!!
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15 Posts
With all of this talk regarding aggressive GOs we're not giving the credit to the GOs that do know when to draw the line. I know there are many of them out there. Being a younger girl in an adult village this past month there were many male GOs that pursued me... only a couple of them actually listened to me the first time when I said I wasn't interested in having sex. WIth the others i did have to repeat this over and over, sometimes forcefully. It was the GOs that were able to take 'no' for an answer that I ended up getting closest to while I was there, they really made my trip a lot of fun. I still keep in touch with them today so I thank them for being respectful.

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590 Posts
I'll try to make up for 3months of absence in this topic in one post...

I already told you people that CM does set guidelines for its employees.
"only sex (SAFE) between consenting adults"
In La Palmyre Atlantique we had the speech 2 times this summer + half an hour information conference on AIDS. They even talked about free testing but in the end it didn't happen. And it's true that in every service there are condoms in the first aid kit. This summer I worked with the 4-5 year-olds along with about 7 other GOs and in our first aid kit there were 16 (!!!) condoms. I know, I counted...

About being able to just talk to GOs without being attacked:
when I was a GM in an adult club I spent about 3 hours talking to the DJ in the night club. I just started talking to him because he was also Belgian and spoke Flemish, just like me. I wasn't at all interested in him. When the night club closed, I said goodnight and left and he came running after me saying "you weren't actually thinking of sleeping alone?". Just to show that sometimes even a friendly talk can be misinterpreted. And this isn't the end of the story. Earlier this year I met another GO from that adult club in a family club I was working in. And he said "hey, I remember you! you were the DJ's girlfriend!" Just to show all the gossiping that goes on....

about female sharks:
last summer I worked with a female shark in the mini club and this summer the same girl was working with me again. she just attacks everything that moves and looks male. married? girlfriend? single? she doesn't care.... this girl doesn't have any female friends but all the guys think "she's sooo nice".... the kind of girl that tries to become friends with you and when you start to believe her and tell her about this one guy you like, she hits on him...
a female GO that "had" 4 different GO the first week she arrived and didn't stop there....

I got hit on twice this summer by married man who were there on a holiday with their wives and whose children were in my group at the Mini Club.... one of them actually grabbed me when he saw me in a local bar and kiss me on the mouth... had to push him away and all... same thing happened in another club earlier this year. a drunk father wanted to thank me for taking so good care of his daughter.... so he tried to kiss me in the middle of the club's night club. it's not always the GO that makes the move....

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24 Posts

Thanks for the perspective on our uptight american sensitivities. You are absolutely correct in your assessment: America is sexually oversensitive and legally overwrought. I am no exception to that rule, as my wife will confirm (with a very exasperated sigh). We might all be happier if we relaxed and forgave. Instead we tend to address every injustice with overkill. We've stopped a LOT of abuse that way, but we have also forced ourselves into a very strict code of conduct and are not very forgiving when that code is broken.

As for GO versus GM behavior, GM's are not employees and deserve a little more slack. (A GM who gropes you deserves a kick in the nuts, of course). As an example, I will share another CM story (since CM stories are the real reason we all read these posts!!):

This summer, my wife and I went to CM Sandpiper for a 4 day escape without kids. My wife went down one day early and on her first night in the bar, was propositioned by a French GM. She smiled, declined the offer, and took the proposition as a complement. While he made it clear he would be close by if she changed her mind, he did not step over the line into harassment.

In all fairness I don't blame him for it. He was a single guy hanging out by mistake in a family CM club, learning the hard way that Sandpiper is NOT Cancun! My wife is a beautiful woman who looks 10 years too young to be my wife of 12 years. She was stunning as my date to my senior high school prom and in the 18 years since then she looks about 5 years older. None of the trapeze GO's believe that she has three kids at home. If I were a single guy in that bar, I would have followed the same path.

And my response was appropriate. After all, Mark (our Frenchman) was on vacation, not on the clock. I met him the next day and had a chance to return the favor on our last night. He was on the tail end of a two week visit. He got lucky at the beginning of the visit, and a very beautiful single GM from Miami (originally Brazil) had befriended him. But she had been gone for nearly a week when my wife arrived. The girl had liked Mark enough that she drove back up from Miami and re-appeared at his side the last night he and we were there. That night in the bar, I went over, introduced myself, and welcomed her to the club. I then told her (with my best smile in place) how happy I was that she was there ... (pause)... so Mark could stop hitting on my wife. In the stunned silence that followed, I sorely regretted not having a camera, because both their expressions were PRICELESS. She was eyeing him with raised eyebrows. And the shock in his face was like a kick in the guts. Even in the dark light of the bar, the suddenly pale color of his cheeks was visible. In fact, he almost glowed.

See, Azzu, no lawsuit required for justice to be done <s>.

As a final note, Mark seemed none the worse for wear. Gallic charm did its work, and they left for his room not too much later with no harm done.

all-american guy
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861 Posts
Hi Jerry...

I wish I could see that imaginary picture you took!!!

Yeah, the strict US code of conduct has two sides, like anything- you can be pretty sure most people treat you with respect, but at the same time a "friendlier" behaviour is easily pursuable as sexual harassment.

As MiniEva said there are rules, but then there's people who somehow believe they are above rules, and worse, above laws... as we've read before people who have been found to be overstepping the boundaries have been "removed" from CM (GOs and GMs alike) which should constitute a certain level of peace of mind.

Having said that... don't you find it strange that most of these stories come from that side of the world (Caribbean, mostly, is it?)... ???

Anyway as we all probably do, I think CM is mostly about having fun, relaxing, doing as many acticvities as possible and (my very oersinal view) enjoying the company of GO/GM friends... mostly GOs, though!
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24 Posts
It doesn't surprise me that most of these stories come from the US side of the Atlantic and generally speaking involve US women and non-US men (please forgive the stereotyping!!). Every US man born after 1960 who went to college got the "NO means NO" indoctrination. The rule was that even if a woman went almost all the way, at any moment she could pull the rip cord and stop the show. If the man did not put on the brakes, it went from consensual activity to sexual assault. European and Caribbean cultures have different standards for male behavior and different interpretation of female "flirting." Not to mention fundamentally different sexual mores.

I think the flip side of that is that American men became more possessive about their wives. "If I can't touch any other women, no other man should ever touch my woman" has become the psychological subtext for American men. (NOTE: MiniEva-I am referring to the faithful husbands here, not the ones who think groping you on the dance floor will make you an adoring sex slave despite their pale, middle aged beer gut).

There is a calm center in there somewhere, we just haven't figured out how to stay on it. Or at least, I haven't. Unswerving fidelity breeds unforgiving judgment. (Hmmm...this is getting too serious...this would be a good time for an amusing CM anecdote).

I am not giving up though. Despite my distaste for the seedier side of CM, we are leading a group of around 15 families back to CM Sandpiper in July 2005 (assuming it is still standing at the end of this incessant hurricane season). And from the looks of things, my younger brother will be getting married there in May, so we may be there twice in 8 weeks next summer.

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6 Posts
everyone's got their sob story, but it's nothing compared to g.o on g.o. i've met so many girls who went there to work, dated a co-worker, and couldn't understand why the guy didn't want to commit. Guts DON'T go there to find commitment. if you don't realize where you are, you'll be disappointed. unless you worked there, you have no idea what REALLY goes on. Luckily I found the one g.o. who wasn't a sleaze and am marrying him. Occasionally it does happen

I started off in Sandpiper, worked in Ixtapa, was in Columbus Isle for hurricane Hugo, and met my fiance in Copper Mountain where I was reception and he was on cuisine team
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861 Posts
hey lolly_420!
so good to hear a good story after all!

I guess in a way or the other we're all trying to say the same thing - it's all up to respect and sensitivity... and to the individual...

that's why we all keep going back to CM in the end, because positive things outnumber negative ones by a million to one!!!

and yes, jerryboy, no matter how confident in your partner, seeing him/her being hit on insistently is still no piece of cake!!! and a reaction should be expected...

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59 Posts
That's quite a discussion you got going there. However I couldn't let the "No means NO! - in the USofA" go uncommented. No means no in any part of the world. Even if decency has already gone three quarters down the drain. It's all a matter of personal conduct if someone is hitting on too hard and can not handle a rejection that's just tough doodie. Don't think that you wouldn't have your sorry ass sued if you unwantedly groped some woman just because it's not in Milwaukee.

From my experiences in CM I can only say that people behave like everywhere in the world when on vacation. You tan, you party, you try to have Sex. I couldn't say that it is particularly easier to have some in CM than anywhere else around the globe and that everyone should look after themselves and behave just as they would back at home. Let's not say the real world because the world is quite real wherever you are - with the exception of Disney Land maybe and I'm not so sure about even that one. If people would be a little bit more considerate they would have a little less trouble in life. For the GM that translates to: "Would it really be a wise idea to get plastered next to this hungry looking dude who is making indecend proposals all the time?" And for the GO: "Should I go to extremes to pick up this happy little camper even though I haven't received a welcome sign all evening?"

The answer in both cases is: Don't go there! Unless you want the Dude to take advantage of your incapabilities or the CDV (even worse the camper's spouse) to kick your patookus.

Life is so easy.
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319 Posts
I read most of your replies to this topic and I'm with you babes....
i've had my shares of one nite stands...i've had the good ones & the bad ones where the sex stinks or its just robotic, the guy is not even romantic after he's got what he's after...well the bottom line is that it hurts and who wants to hurt like that? then there's the good ones, i've had a lovely time w/the guy and even though you know its not gonna last, its magical for that short time and i've not forgotten them. then there's the "i can't believe i did that"... which i will not mention...but trust me not that bad it just made me feel embarrassed and feeling a bit bad...cuz it wasn't me.
i was in a club med one summer and some gorgeous & nice guy liked me...but i just didn't wanna do it cuz it was my last nite and i just wasn't feeling it...i mean my friends were telling me i was crazy...i don't know..i guess it was the timing. i'm not a prude but i guess i'm looking for at least a guy who even though it may not last that there's respect for the other person... I now go the Club and yeah of course I go Ga-Ga over the GOs and CMs...and I also wanna meet people and have an all around good time.
so there is it is
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590 Posts
that's the spirit, Bonica!

I've also had my share of "why doesn't he talk to me anymore", "why on earth did I do that?" and "can't believe I had the guts to do that" (which doesn't mean I've slept with every guy, but I 'm not going to unravel my entire sexlife in this topic), but in the end the positive stuff always outweighs the negative and you just can't wait to feel that way again.
I've got some great CM-memories: my first "real" relationship (for those of you who still have doubts: yes, that does exist at CM), loads of innocent fun and romance, wonderful friendships....
GOs and GMs I'll never forget:
those whom I met during my first ever CM holiday:
Gianluca, GO tennis, whose pictures I still cherish
Ludo, GO snorkling, who was my second Dad
the entire Italian gang I hang out with during my first ever "all alone" CM-holiday and with whom I'm still in touch
those whom I met during my first season as a GO:
Danka, GO mini club and best friend ever
Judith, GO mini club, with whom I still meet regularly for drinks and dinner
My GO golf, Max, whom I will never forget nor regret
the lovely kids I took care of this summer:
Kylian and Hugo, whose parents were GOs and who stayed in my group for about 2 months
Raphael, the little french guy who was so fond of pirates and always lay down next to me
(or on me) to take his nap
I honestly couldn't do without it anymore!

(I suddenly realise that I STILL haven't read the Jane-article this topic is about)
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319 Posts
hi MinaEva
YEAH!!! you are so right!!! have some lovely go girl!

About the Jane Magazine....i read it last september and I honestly don't remember it.
About that GO golf..Max...was he also a DJ? I went to Otranto June 2003 and he & MandyMandy were the DJs...If its him, Mina he was an awesome DJ!!! Those guys' mixing had me dancing all the time!!
ciao bellabonica

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590 Posts
Originally posted by bonica45

About that GO golf..Max...was he also a DJ? I went to Otranto June 2003 and he & MandyMandy were the DJs...If its him, Mina he was an awesome DJ!!! Those guys' mixing had me dancing all the time!!

nope, he's not a DJ
he's always been doing Golf, as a GO and a chief
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67 Posts
MiniEva - did anyone EVER send you that article from Jane Magazine?
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590 Posts
Originally posted by JeanMarie

MiniEva - did anyone EVER send you that article from Jane Magazine?

uhm............. no.
which I still think is pretty silly....
if anyone still wants to send it to me, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase do :)
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879 Posts
what month was it issued I can see if I can find it at a used bookstore down the roaad from me I have a copy but its in Cancun making the rounds hahaha
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67 Posts
I believe it's October 2003
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590 Posts
Just scan the article and post it in this topic, that way everybody can read it.
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121 Posts
where is the article again???

Have a good one!!!

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2 Posts
Ok, I was a Female G.O in Cancun, I was also a G.O in Turkoise. I remember when the JANE article was written, and all the problems it caused. I was close with a lot of male G.O's and saw first hand the amount of female GM's throwing themselves at these guys. Many DO come on vacation to have sex, and I see how the guys had a hard time saying no. I also see the packages these girls send the guys, all sorts of stuff, Christmas presents, CD's, DVD's, and I laugh about it with them. (they would always share their stuff with me.) I was there a few times when I would see a girl at an arrival, and know she was coming back to visit a guy. (Sometimes the guys didn't know, and already had "girlfriends" for the week.) It was all a big laugh to many of us! It gave us all something else to joke about.
I must say, I had my fair share of hook-ups (with GMs and GO's.) I wasn't sleeping around, but every once in a blue moon a nice, good looking GM comes along, and I make it a week thing. And yes, i have been so drunk that i have slept with a few GM's who to this day wouldn't regognize. Groups of us (girl G.O's) would meet groups of male GM's and do a double, triple date type thing....
And most of us girl G.O's have guy G.O's that we sleep with for the season; but when a GM is in town that either one is interested in, its ok for them to do our thing.
I remember when i first started Club Med, I swore i would never get with a G.Obecause of all the girls they have slept with, and I didnt want to hook up with GM's because I didnt want to feel part of the "all inclusive package." It took 3 weeks for me to change completely!
I guess thats the life of a G.O. It changes your way of thinking, makes you look as sex as an activity, rather than something "special." I don't like that I think this way, and I hope when i get back to the real world, I'll think different.
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590 Posts
I also agree with you, CMForever.
I thought the same thing when I started working at the Club, but after a while you notice that you've changed, not only when it comes to sex, but in so many ways. Though I've always managed to keep it under controll, I have had my share of hook-ups with GOs. But I've stayed away from the GMs because most people that come on to me seem to be parents of children I'm looking after or minors... but, as you say, if a nice, good looking GM comes along... I'm very careful about saying 'never'. But luckily I still don't think sex is just an activity. For me it still is special (though some times I have just 'gone with the flow'), and I truly hope I'll be able to keep it that way.
Would love to chat with you some more!
Feel free to contact me by e-mail.
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Margarita Girl
598 Posts

Your Comment:
I also see the packages these girls send the guys, all sorts of stuff, Christmas presents, CD's, DVD's, and I laugh about it with them. (they would always share their stuff with me.)

I find it hard to believe that someone that is literally STUCK in a village over Christmas would make fun of someone sending them a Christmas Package that they had met during a WEEK at Club Med. If they actually gave this person the address their CORRECT name etc. and the package actually gets to them they would make fun of that person.

I hope I don't know you because I am going to say this and I work very closely with the COV's & GO's including the girls in Turks & Cancun and everyone treats me with respect because of the amount of business I give them...

I think what you said in your email about getting Christmas Presents is INHUMANE, Rude and CRUEL.... I think you may be just jelous that no GM MALE sent you anything!

I was there this year over Christmas and one of the GO's recieved a present from an ex GM who was a GO before and he was absolutely in tears that she remembered him.

Could you imagine if you were on the other side of the fence reading this about people making fun of the GM's who clearly made an effort to a GO to tell them how important they are over Christmas???

Please get a heart.

As I say so many times when I read intolerant CRAP, Read Dr. Phil.... Get REAL!
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Soldier of Fun
34 Posts
Ok my 2 cents:

Lets put it this way-had I been 10 years younger when I started I could of become a professional gigolo!

I was "hit on" all the time, mainly by married women whose families were often present at the village ( I no longer have any respect of the institution of marriage as a result of my experiences). But I also had my share of women whose boyfriends were present or back home and plenty of singles too.

I got gifts all the time: Jewelry, clothes, nick-knacks, with the best of all - an apartment in Paris for a month!

Many of the women followed me from village to village, and sometimes more then one of them would visit (unexpectedly) at the same time which truly complicated things! LOL

However, worst of all were those "Fatal attractions" episodes when I declined their advances and the next thing you know they have either filed claims sexual harassment with the CDV or the Head Office!

But let me say this: This type of behavior is not unique to Club Med, it happens all the time in vacation land at any resort in the tropics but I think it is more pronounced at CM due to the access the GO's and GM's have with each other on a daily basis.

GO JOE - Soldier of Fun
"Never tell the Chief of the Village you have nothing to do."
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879 Posts
ok my 2 cents
here as a xgo I got gifts I have seen back in the 80's following GOs from village to vilage as to gifts I recived gifts from both male and female as a thanks for a great time My mother was a GO mom who would take orders before she came down so I can see where nathlie is coming from don't make fun of the GMs sending gifts as you do not know the history behind them GOd it could be there mom sending them something or even a best friend
I do know that even now when I visit clubs I will call and find out what my friends need or want (useally books or DVDs) I have seen male GMs bring whole suitcases full of stuff for GOs in Cancun back in april so . . . . gifts can just be that Gifts hope that made sence
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590 Posts
Originally posted by Natalie.Hildebrandt

I find it hard to believe that someone that is literally STUCK in a village over Christmas would make fun of someone sending them a Christmas Package that they had met during a WEEK at Club Med. If they actually gave this person the address their CORRECT name etc. and the package actually gets to them they would make fun of that person.

If you know the address of the Club "your GO" is staying in(which you can find quite easily) and just put the name you can read on their badge with their function on the envelope, they will get your letter or whatever it is you want to send them.
I know, I've done it loads of times. When I was a GM myself and even now that I'm a GO, to send pictures to colleagues.
When I was just the "admiring GM" I never sent presents because there's always the risk they'll get lost in the mail, but also because you're never quite sure of someone's intentions. I've always been lucky and always bumped into "decent guys".
Once when I went back to visit a GO, loads of GOs came to thank me, because I'd sent all my holiday pictures to him and asked him to give them to those on the pictures. "He" actually had another girlfriend in the mean time, which was indeed rather disappointing at the time, but I can understand... after all: who waits 3 months for a girl he was with for only a couple of days, if there are so many others around.
that was 4 years ago and since a couple of weeks, we're back in touch thanks to this forum :)

that all just to show you that some GO are really happy with 'presents' they get, but if you're a GM think twice before you send something. I've read so many messages here of girls who are convinced they're special, but are they really? think about it. If you do send something try to keep it as 'light' as possible, send some pictures like I did, send Playboy or Penthouse magazine (always a big hit, I can assure you), but don't spend too much money before you're sure of their intentions. You won't be able to buy them...
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879 Posts
you know I fedex my stuff to my friend and he always gets his packages mostly cheap for me stuff but it does get to him but still he is a friend and as a XGO I know what its like to get paid so little and not being able to buy much which is why ii send stuff as it is he shares all of it with the other GOs which I have no problem with either enjoy all you want
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Margarita Girl
598 Posts
Thank you everyone for agreeing.... A gift is a wonderful thing.

Hendel gave me a huge gift for Christmas I wonder what his intentions are... LMAO!!!

What does it mean when a Chief of Village gives a GM who runs singles groups a Christmas Present CMForever123????

Do you think me and my friends are LAUGHING.....

ABSOLUTELY NOT, they all went up and hugged and kissed him on my behalf.


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1356 Posts
Natalie, you are correct, a gift is a wonderful thing. In today's society with such an abhorrent lack of kindness and thoughtfulness, to laugh and make fun of someone who shows it, says tons about who we are, or perhaps who we have become. In defense of CMforever, "Know the truth and ye shall be free." I shall now think twice about showing thoughtfulness at someone who would laugh at me. That will save me a lot of effort of bringing Sports Illustrated magazines, Newspapers, National Geographics, even small umbrellas to give to people who are laughing at me.

In the past I have sent "CARE" packages to special GO's. In each case, I have heard back from them. Sending photos gets about a 10% reply, although once in Guadeloupe I did receive a one foot square postcard signed by 11 GO's.

Somehow I now feel like a fool.

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879 Posts
Don't feel like a fool I don't and I still send stuff to a good friend and I know the GOs appreciate it so much
I think CMforever since she has not reposted was trying to get back at a GM maybe that sent a gift to a GO she was /is seeing and is just trying to scare them off theproblem is that most GOs do so love to recive stuff it shows to them that they made an impression as I said earlier i loved and would always relpy when a Gm sent me something. here comments did hit me for a few days until the old GO attitude hit me I know they love the stuff they get so take what she said with a grain of salt She seems kinda bitter to me
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Margarita Girl
598 Posts
John Chicago, Tell me... do you really run your life on what other people think or do>? NO I am sure you don't.

Do what makes you feel good, if you feel like giving a gift well dammit give it!

I know a friend who works for me sent a package to a GO in Cancun when I was there at Christmas. He HUGGED me for it!!!!

Also on the SEX note, If I am going to have sex at Club Med, I only sleep with men who are going home with a day or so because on vacation I do not need BS and someone hanging on to me my whole vacation.

And Eva for the girls complaining... They need to grow up, I mean really would you want to spend time with someone thats willing to give it up so easy? I know I wouldn't. Tell them to read Dr. Phil "Get Real" ( I am wondering if anyone is seeing my pattern of Dr. Phil)


PS John? did you want my address> I want to be added to your gift list so I can BRAG I got something for Christmas! However you missed Christmas and Ukrainian Christmas... What about Valentines day, you can give it to me in person for the great price of $1170CANADIAN.

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590 Posts
Originally posted by Natalie.Hildebrandt

And Eva for the girls complaining... They need to grow up, I mean really would you want to spend time with someone thats willing to give it up so easy? I know I wouldn't. Tell them to read Dr. Phil "Get Real" ( I am wondering if anyone is seeing my pattern of Dr. Phil)

I noticed the pattern yes :)
am actually going to check our local library to see what you're going on about...
we do have Dr Phil here in Belgium on one channel but never watched it...
maybe it's time to make a change :)

I'm always glad with everything I get from home or GMs.
This summer I almost cried over some silly pictures my mom sent me
Kids I took care of regularly send me cards and drawings and I absolutely love it...
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2 Posts
ok, you ALL took what I was saying the wrong way!
I too, loved getting gifts from GM's and ex-G.O's... and i didnt say we joked about that!
I means we joked about the girls who were "in love" with the guy G.O's and would send them all sorts of stuff because of infatuation-- that was the funny part.
And I once had a friend who would ask every GM he met to send him a box of Oreos; by the end of the season, he had so many boxes of Oreos, he didnt know what to do with them! (thats what I meant as a joke.)
- Some of you should stop taking everything so personally-
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879 Posts

We took it the way it was written. I was insulted. As I am a female XGO who is now a GM (but as we always say once GO always GO) I send care packages to a really good friend who is male. I am not in love with him, we are very good friends and your letter had me second guessing our friendship. A friendship that has been built up over 4 years to what it is now. The fact that you make fun of GMs period is very un-GO like. Yes I agree that some GMs go overboard. I have been a victim of some nasty emails telling me to stay away from my friend, I laugh because of the subject matter of the letters show just how much they do not know him.
What you wrote though was read by many GMs who will now think twice as John said about sending gifts because they will now think thanks to your letterthat they are being laughed at by they very GOs they are sending gifts to. Which is a great diservice to the GOs in the villages. I do not know what village you are in but I hope you rethink your attiude towords those few wayward GMs.
PM if you want to chat as i am guessing you are still a GO and only post on your days off are you still in cancun?
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861 Posts
Hey everyone... I was gone for a while and this topic's just exploded!!!

Nightshade/Natalie, weird how reading the same sentences can lead to different conclusions, I guess it's just the different meaning we attach to different words...

Anyhow Natalie I think you should really try to take things a little more lightly, I don't think anybody's intentions on this forum is to insult or make fun of anybody else so probably we should all just re-read posts before being so accusatory of one another!!! After all we are all here thanks to CM, and that generally means fun and being laid back! Let's try not to forget that...

Back to the subject on hand... it was fairly obvious to me that CMforever123 was talking about gifts sent with the clear intention of maintaining some sort of contact with the GO girls are infatuated with! Who in their right mind would make fun of a gift sent from relatives and friends???

It's a typical insecure "girl thing" to shower men with little (or not so little) gifts to keep the person's interest alive. Too bad that's hardly the case and it is funny to see what women send in these occasions.

Besides I think that "funny" is meant as silly behaviour... seriously, who would do that in "normal life"? Sending a present to that cute guy you went on a date with? I don't think so...

Whatever the gift it's probably very appreciated by whoever receives it... it's always flattering to know that someone likes you to the extent of sending a gift your way... a huge ego trip if you know what I mean!

BTW great to read from all of you again!!! Let's keep the discussion alive!!!
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590 Posts
Originally posted by Azzu

Let's keep the discussion alive!!!

I think we don't really have a choice there....
this topic really has exploded...

and I (and most people in this thread with me, I'm sure) still haven't read the article it was about in the first place...
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861 Posts
Yeah me either... has anyone got a scanned version of it to post on the forum??

Camon! Someone's got to have it!!!! ;-P
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879 Posts
I wish I still had my copy but gave it a GO in cancun so I am guessing it is making the rounds down there or not don't know. I will see if I can find another as it is quite funny.
as it is about cmforever yes she hit a nerve with me as I am an ex-GO and have a male GO friend and yeah I send gifts As I know what it is like not to have the $$$ to get much of anything But it seemed to me that she was making an over all statment about gifts In the second post she clarified the first but it still irks me a bit. Now yeah I have seen the gifts some of those girls have sent I have been the victim too ( I have recived emails from some infatuated which I did get a laugh from I mean really sending me emails to back off from my friend GOD! get real and get a life) and how I feel is who cares the GO is happy to get the gift wether the are from a friend or a passing GM who had a good time. who cares its just not right to make fun out of them.

"Where Are We Going And Why Am I In This Handbasket?"
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23 Posts
Hello boys & girls!!!

First things first:

1- gobar : I would love a pina colada with a touch of mango in it!! Thanks !! and I am sure it's gonna be divine!!

2- jerryboy : Do you have a brother???? If he is anything like you ( at least with the same sense of humour, logic, an that little touch of sarcasm) a think I would like to meet him

3- Geri a.k.a. (oups!!!! my bad! I forgot your nickname): you are very lucky ( I know that luck as nothing to do with it, but mostly hard work, trust, respect, honnesty and communication, just to name of few) to have such a great relationship with your husband. Bravo!!

4- Soldier of fun: Thanks! it as been a while since I heard "nice shoes!"
5- Pretty much everyone made a valid point (of course, from their point of view!!!)

6- I AM an XGO. I was also an IGO (Intergration GO ¨ Experience GO who is chosen, trained and compelled to help new GO get settled in CM life (work - attitude - responsabiliiers - and so on)).I was trained to teach the new Go's that would fall under my jurisdiction a lot of the what and what's not in CM in general, but to keep with the subject at hand (sex).......... that even dough CM looks like a Sex Paradise, there were some guidelines to be followed sush as:
a- it is not part of your job description to "sleep" with anybody.
b- if you choose to do so, use:- your head - good judgement - condoms or any means of protection for STD (to prevent mostly giving or receiving STD). Because of the GO's schedule, it might be hard for them to go to the nearest town to buy protection, CM, being aware of what the world is today, puts condoms available pretty much everywhere in the village to GO to have acces to, if they choose to be active sexualy.
c- that NO means NO in every language. (That it did not matter that the person was throwing themself at you, putting their tongue in your ear, wispering sweet durty little things, explaining in grafic details "how they would do you". That they did agree to get to your room, and once in there, they rip your clothes off of you, telling you how much they want you. IF just before you get into "action" (because at this point, you are pretty much convince that you are gonna have concentual sex) they change their mind and they say NO. Then stop everything, put your pants back on, DON't try to change their mind, and get out of there!!! It's your room?? Don't matter, get out! Run to nearest source of cold water, and cool off. Report the incident.
d- Any misconduct have their consequences, and they will be dealt with accordingly, but for most of them ¨ as Donald Trumps said it "you're fired!". And if by your misconducts, you have broken a law of the country you are in, you will have to face the music. And you will also have to face the possibility that the person who is accusing you, might sue you personnaly as well. So honnestly, MOST people think about it a little!
7- I am also a human being with human qualities and flaws.
8- the followings are not judments but my OPINIONS!
9- I will be "speaking "as a woman. For the guys out there, replace the "he" for " she" ... I know you get my point!!

To the subject at hand now:

- Anywhere, anyhow, you will always bump into a moron that do not know their head from their ass, and that will think with "Mr. Head" and not their head. (s'cuse my french!!). Morons that will not give a damn, that you are 80 years old, married with childrens, 9 months pregnant and about to give birth, in a drunk stupor, that your husband is standing right next to you, that you said no in all the language in the world ( someone said to me that "F*** off" was pretty much international ), They just want to get laid!!!

- They come in all shape or form, that they are GO, GM, doctors, lawyers or even priests! Beware!!! They don't always look or sound like morons, sometime it takes a little while before they show their "moroness".

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152 Posts
You crack me up girl!!! Love it...purely love it!!!!!

IS :)
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537 Posts
Hey Silvy,

Thanks, and Geri works just need to remember the aka stuff! As for Jerryboy's brothers...the last one is getting married in March, sorry! Enjoy your drink.

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590 Posts
any nephews then?
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338 Posts
...or grandfathers, perhaps ?
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537 Posts
Sorry...nephew is too young (still jailbait), grandfathers are dead and buried, and father is currently engaged :). Too funny!!

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338 Posts
2005 the only remaining option is a sister ?

(Sorry, this is my typical friday-afternoon dullness!!)
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537 Posts
Sorry, sister is married too...all family members have now been covered! Actually his mom is single, but kinda nuts...just a warning :)

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590 Posts
damn, if only I was a lesbian I'd go for the nutty mom...

maybe we straight girls should all wait until Geri's kids are 18....
kidding, kidding!
that was a rather dangerous statement for a MiniClub GO
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338 Posts
Originally posted by MiniEva

...that was a rather dangerous statement for a MiniClub GO

Yes, this scares me off: next time I won't go into the MiniClub anymore....
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537 Posts
Y'all are cracking me up! And you have a long wait...the oldest one isn't quite 10 :). I guess they will be waiting for the next generation of Club goers!!

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590 Posts

we could always hook'em up with my nieces of course: all three very cute korean-belgians (my sis's adopted), a chocie between 2, 3.5 and 5.5 yrs old.
only downer: very basic knowledge of english...
though the youngest does know most of the words to 'Edelweis' from the Sound of Music
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338 Posts
Originally posted by MiniEva

[...] only downer: very basic knowledge of english...
though the youngest does know most of the words to 'Edelweis' from the Sound of Music

But the fundamental question is: are they "Club goers" already?
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590 Posts
not yet....
I am working on it, though
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338 Posts
Originally posted by MiniEva

not yet.... I am working on it, though

Da's goê, maske, da's 'eel goê....
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17 Posts
i don't understand how sex could be so easy for you guys....
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61 Posts
Flory, wait a few more years and then ask the question again ;) .

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17 Posts
Hey...even kids do understand that kinda things.....people in my country, including me and my whole family and all the people around me, just not agree with people who give up their virginity so easy just like giving a flower to your boyfriend on valentines day,,,, i'm just wondering don't you want to give up your virginity to someone you're married with? it would be very special don't u think?
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61 Posts
if that's the way you feel, then that is perfect! but you don't necessarily have to wait until you're married... maybe that special someone (your fiancé, a very special boyfriend, etc) comes first. of course, especially in today's society, it is amazing if you keep your virginity that long and it will be a very special wedding night ;). but don't forget, most girls don't give up their virginity at the club, they've lost it long before.
(i wasn't attacking your age before, i just thought i was really cute)

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93 Posts
Sex isnt easy at all for us...its hard...very very hard...wait; I guess thats why its easy !
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17 Posts
Hahahhaa.... that's fine alex!! but i think i;ll just wait til i'm married.... 1st reason, i'm not gonna dissapoint my family, 2nd, most Indonesian guys never expect a girl who have lost her virginity haha (i'm not really serious about this "guy" thing!! haha), 3rd well...i just believe that's a sin...( family's pretty religious... so do i..), that's why i'll just wait! thx Alex!!
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61 Posts
do what's right for you, flory! :D

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